Timetabled hours for the trimester: 18 hours (Workshop = 6 hours, Supervision = 12 hours)
Average personal study hours for the trimester: 182 hours including Professional Practice = 12 hours
(One credit point equates to 10 hours of study load per week that includes timetabled hours and personal study time.)
This is a core unit out of a total of 12 units in the Master of Networking (MNet). This unit addresses the MNet course learning outcomes and complements other courses in a related field by developing students’ specialised knowledge in successfully completing a capstone project and applying critical skills in networking equipment such as routers, switches and servers. For further course information refer to
This unit provides students with the experience of completing a research or industry-related capstone project in a team environment. Unlike lecture-oriented units, the capstone project is an opportunity to tackle complex problems using already acquired and developing technical and creative skills; this will often require the generation and evaluation of complex ideas at an abstract level before exploring concrete solutions. It is expected that the teams will normally continue the work from the project specification and project plan developed in MN691 as well as the application of knowledge and skills gathered throughout the course in designing, developing and testing a project solution. Students will meet with their project supervisor weekly. The teams will continue the detailed design, implementation, testing and evaluation of a substantial project. Students learn to work in a group while maintaining personal autonomy and accountability for their contributions to the team.
At the completion of this unit, students will be able to:
- Demonstrate the ability to conceptualise, research, design, plan and execute a substantial capstone project
- Adapt and apply the knowledge and skills acquired over the core units of the course in planning and executing a capstone project in an area related to Networking
- Orally present the research background, design, implementation, results and conclusions to an audience of peers and academic staff
- Through written reflective journals and project reports, demonstrate communication and technical research skills to justify and interpret problems, methodologies, conclusions and professional decisions
- Demonstrate the application of knowledge and skills with a high level of personal autonomy and accountability while being part of a team-based working environment.
MIT is committed to ensuring the course is current, practical and relevant so that graduates are “work ready” and equipped for life-long learning. In order to accomplish this, the MIT Graduate Attributes identify the required knowledge, skills and attributes that prepare students for the industry.
The levels to which Graduate Attributes covered in this unit are as follows:
MIT Graduate Attributes | Extent of | |
Attributes | Evidence and Notes | |
Coverage | ||
MN692 Capstone Project | ||||||
The ability to communicate effectively | ||||||
and appropriately in a range of contexts to | ||||||
achieve high order speaking, listening, | Oral and interpersonal communication skills | |||||
reading, writing, numeracy and | practised in weekly team meetings and weekly | |||||
Ability to | information technology communication | meetings with the supervisor. Oral | ||||
Communicate | skills. | communication skills are assessed during oral | ||||
presentations while reading and writing skills | ||||||
are assessed in project reports. | ||||||
A capacity to be a self-directed learner and | ||||||
thinker and to study and work | Students practise and develop independent | |||||
Independent and | independently, resulting in continuous | and lifelong learning skills by taking | ||||
Lifelong Learning | learning, resilience, confidence, learning | responsibility for individual contributions to | ||||
transferable and time management skills | the project while working in groups. Students | |||||
and an ability to learn independently. | will acquire skills in lifelong learning by having | |||||
to research and implement approaches to | ||||||
solving problems in the project, not all of | ||||||
which will come from their previous classroom | ||||||
learning. | ||||||
Awareness, sensitivity, and | ||||||
Ethics | commitment to ethics and ethical | Students get to practise ethical standards in | ||||
standards in personal, social, business and | their interactions with clients, supervisor and | |||||
professional contexts. | team members in professional contexts. | |||||
The ability to collect, analyse and | ||||||
Analytical and | evaluate information and ideas and to | Analysing requirements, applying research | ||||
solve problems by thinking clearly, | methods, designing and developing solutions | |||||
Problem Solving | ||||||
critically and creatively. To solve problems | require the practice of analytical and problem | |||||
and issues using established methods of | solving skills | |||||
enquiry. | ||||||
An acknowledgment of and respect | ||||||
Cultural and | for: equality of opportunity; individual and | Teamwork involves practising respect for | ||||
social responsibility; and a recognition and | ||||||
equal opportunity for peers and taking | ||||||
Global | ||||||
appreciation of other cultures and times | ||||||
individual and social responsibility. If the team | ||||||
Awareness | ||||||
recognizing the global context of business. | ||||||
consists of members from different countries, | ||||||
it gives students the additional opportunity to | ||||||
appreciate and respect differing cultural | ||||||
backgrounds. | ||||||
A capacity to relate to, collaborate with, | Students need to complete a substantial team | |||||
and, where appropriate lead | project; students need to practise active | |||||
others, and to exchange views and ideas in | teamwork skills such as collaboration, | |||||
order to achieve desired outcomes | leadership, conflict resolution and task | |||||
Team work | through teamwork, negotiation, conflict | distribution in order to successfully complete | ||||
resolution, and leadership. | the project. | |||||
Specialist | Comprehensive specialist knowledge | Application of knowledge gained from | ||||
knowledge of | of a field of study and defined professional | other units in the course is a key aspect of this | ||||
a field of study | skills ensuring work readiness. | unit. | ||||
Colour coding
Extent covered
The standard is covered by theory and practice, and addressed by assessed activities in which the students always play an active role, e.g., workshops, lab submissions, assignments, demonstrations, tests, examinations
The standard is covered by theory or practice, and addressed by assessed activities in which the students mostly play an active role, e.g., discussions, reading, intepreting documents, tests, examinations
The standard is discussed in theory or practice; it is addressed by assessed activities in which the students may play an active role, e.g., lectures and discussions, reading, interpretation, workshops, presentations
The standard is presented as a side issue in theory or practice; it is not specifically assessed, but it is addressed by activities such as lectures or PBL tutorials
The standard is not considered, there is no theory or practice or activities associated with this standard
There are no lectures in this unit. This is the second of the two core project units. It is expected that student teams will continue from the project requirements developed in the first project unit. In this unit, they will complete the project design, i t s implementation, testing and evaluation. Each week, students will meet with their project supervisor to report progress on their project and obtain guidance on the project.
Each person should maintain a journal were they write weekly reflections on their participation and experience of the project activities. The journal should be submitted individually to their supervisor every week.
The project may be industry-based or industry-relevant projects offered in-house. For in-house projects, industry exposure will be provided through workshops from industry professionals in MN691 (Research Methods and Project Design); all students are expected to attend those workshops since they are essential components of achieving the learning outcomes. Project topics require the written approval of the unit coordinator. Approval will be given only if the unit coordinator is assured that the project, if completed successfully, will meet the learning outcomes of the unit. An industry-based project may have an industry supervisor from whom the unit coordinator will seek input during the marking of the assessment tasks prescribed in Section 9.
There is no text book. References and/or notes will be provided for the lectures and workshops
Each student is expected to:
- Actively participate in all team meetings
- Attend weekly meetings with the project supervisor
- Actively contribute to group activities and reports
- Consistently apply himself/herself to the course throughout the semester.
MN692 Capstone Project | |||||||||
9. ASSESSMENT | |||||||||
Assessment Task | Due Date | Weight | Learning Outcomes | ||||||
Assessed | |||||||||
Group report: Project | Week 3 | 10% | a,b,e | ||||||
Detailed Design* | |||||||||
Group report: Project | Week 11 | ||||||||
Implementation and evaluation report* | 50% | a, b, e | |||||||
Demonstration to supervisor is every | |||||||||
week. | |||||||||
Group presentation | Week 12 | 10% | C | ||||||
Individual report: Peer evaluation of | Week 12 | ||||||||
contributions of team members and | 30% | d,e | |||||||
reflective journal on professional | |||||||||
practice/experience | |||||||||
TOTAL | 100% | ||||||||
Within a group task, a number of sub-tasks will be assigned to individuals by the project supervisor. This, along with an evaluation of the individual reflective journals, will be used to assess individual outcomes.
Students must obtain at least 50% overall to pass this unit. Individual marks can vary from group marks based on assessments of individual outcomes through those allotted for individual subtasks and peer – evaluation.
Late assignments / exercises:
Late assignments will be penalised at the rate of 10% per day, that is, an assignment is marked out of 90% for 1 day late, 80% for 2 days late, etc., and after 5 working days assignments will attract zero marks.
Special Consideration:
In the case of serious illness, loss or bereavement, hardship or trauma students may be granted special consideration. A completed Application for Special Consideration and supporting documentation must be submitted online on AMS. This application must be submitted no later than three working days after the due date of the specific piece of assessment or the examination for which the student is seeking Special Consideration. Further information is available at:
Available Grades:
A list of the available grades, a description of the corresponding required student performance and the required percentages for the unit is also given in the MIT Handbook and the MIT website.
Grade Distribution Table
HD | 80% and above |
D | 70 – 79% |
C | 60 – 69% |
P | 50 – 59% |
MN | 40 – 49% |
N | 0-39% |
It is important to learn from the work of others and students are encouraged to explore the library, World Wide Web resources and have discussions with other students. However, work for assessment must be entirely the student’s own
Plagiarism can vary from minor lapses in referencing to the use of someone else’s work or ideas passed on as the student’s work without the origin of the material being appropriately referenced to serious breaches such as using someone else’s work as one’s own deliberately, recklessly and/or involving gross negligence.
Plagiarism—copying or using the work of others without giving details of the source of information —is not acceptable. All sources used and any collaboration in the exploratory work for an assignment must be clearly acknowledged using standard academic referencing.
Collusion that is, secret cooperation between people in order to deceive others, is unacceptable. Contract Cheating, a form of collusion which involves employing or passing off work of any other person as the student’s own work (e.g., paying another person to write the assignment), is a serious breach of academic integrity and has heavy penalties.
Students must not allow other students to copy their work and must take care to safeguard against this happening. In cases of copying, normally all students involved will be penalised; an exception will be if a student can demonstrate the work is his/her own and that student took reasonable care to safeguard against copying.
Academic Misconduct is a serious offence. Depending on the seriousness of the case, penalties can vary from a written warning or zero marks to exclusion from the course or rescinding the degree. Students should make themselves familiar with the full policy and procedure available at:
Students should note that supplementary information concerning teaching, learning, and assessment may be provided from time to time. In response to unforeseen circumstances this may include changes in times or location of classes, order of the schedule or due dates for assignments. Announcement of these matters in classes and placement of a notice on the officially designated noticeboard shall be deemed to be official notification.
Students are advised to acquaint themselves with the academic regulations regarding progress as outlined in the MIT Handbook and the MIT website.
It is recommended that students who have life circumstances or personal limitations that may affect their course of study should refer to the list of Student Services contacts on the official notice board, and to the Special Consideration policy in the Student Handbook.
Students are encouraged to give feedback on each unit whenever it is offered. This is part of MIT’s intention to continuous improvement and such feedback is valued and acted upon.
The individual report component of the assessment tasks has been enhanced to include a professional practice section to allow students to report on industry exposure.
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