



Question :

In the report format used in CQUniversity (refer to Help section below for a link to the report guide), explain how you would complete the following modelling tasks. The report presentation including the references and appendices will be awarded 10 marks.

You are to develop the report having each task clearly numbered together with your answer. You are also expected to write an introduction and conclusion for this report. In performing the following tasks, you have to strictly follow all diagramming rules used in the text for this course.

In each task, please feel free to make any assumption necessary for the readers. The explanation of your assumptions can help the readers to understand what you have considered differently but as important criteria in producing your model.

(1) Data Flow Diagram – Context Diagram and Level 0 Diagram: You are assigned a role to develop a new system based on the project case study. Draw a context diagram and a level-0 DFD for it.

(2) Use Case Diagram: Draw a use case diagram by using the Level-0 DFD that you provided in Task 1.

Note: Your use case diagram directly relates to the information in Level-0 diagram, but it will also relate to the same system presented as in the context diagram.

(3) Domain Model Class Diagram: Develop a domain model class diagram for the system based on the project case study.

(4) Activity Diagram: Develop an activity diagram for the scenario.

(5) System Sequence Diagram: Using the Activity Diagram above, produce a system sequence diagram, i.e. only include two swimlanes – one for the actor (PSSM employee) and the other for the entire system as a system class object.

Answer :


PSSM (professional and Scientifics management) is an agency that provides services to the other organization regarding supply of the highly qualified persons in the temporary, short term basis. Professional and scientific management agency is negotiated with its client like client organizations from them the organization has to agree to give temporary staffs to client companies.  For example in present the organization has to contract with the oil and gas agency exploration organization to supply the geologist employees which have at least master degree qualification. The oil and gas exploration organization has to give $5000 per employee to PSSM organization. The organization has also supply the different type of the employees including astrophysics, computer operator, computer programmer and scientific staffs. The organization has several departments like placement department, agreement department and accounting department. Now in present organization has suffered the problem regarding its database management system and wants to improve the database management system.  Thus from this reason CEO of the professional and scientific management has to hire ABC information service consultancy in order to develop the new automated information system in its organization.

ABC organization has to develop the model with the help of the dfd and uml diagram. This report is disused how to develop the context and activity diagram and how it solves the redundancy problems of the organization.


Architecture of the system

Current system of the organization

Now in present professional antiscientific management has used the workflow management software to run the activity of the business.  When the employees request is agreed the existing contract with the professional and scientific management the request is transferred to the contract manager of the PSSM organization. Each contract is traced with its unique identification number and the contract manger has stored the identification number into the database. After the fetching of the information from the PSSM database against the contract identification number, the manger will be analyzed the rules and regulations of the contract and it also test the request validity. If the validity is valid then the organization has to provide the payment as per the contract.  After the validity of the contract the request is forwarded to the employees’ database and marks them as an outstanding request and also forwarded to the placement department.  Based upon the request the placement department check the database and check the type of the existing employees and their qualification and experience also with the help of the employee’s database system.  If the qualified person is found in the database then the placement department has to mark reserved in the database, and if the qualified employees are not available in the PSSM database then the department has to create the memo that is explained the inability to available the staffs. All the employees requested are given to arrangement department.  The arrangement department   asks to the employees to agree and sign to the placement. Once the employee is agreed the members of the staffs are marked with the placed in the database.  The copy of the employees requested is sent to the client companies and marked with placed to the existing database.

Problems with current system

  • Now professional and scientific agency has suffered the problem regarding duplication of the data and information and the redundancy problem in the database.
  • Only members of the staffs are retrieved the data from the existing data database at a time that produced the problems in front of the organization regarding loss of revenue.
  • Data and information are stored in both paper and computer database.
  • Report regarding client and customers are missing.
  • Staffs and job tracing facility is inefficient.

New system architecture

Thus to solve this problem the CEO wants to introduce new automated information system in its organization with the help of ABC information service.  Main objective of the database system is to eliminate the redundancy problem and maintain the record of the placement department (Leffingwell and Widrig, 2000). Design process of the new database system is shown in the figure.

(1)DFD (data flow diagram), and Level 0 and context diagram

Data flow diagram is to provide the relationships between the different components and the system and it is most important technique for the purpose of modeling the system (Bruza and Weide, 1989). DFD (data flow diagram) contains the four components; process, entities, data flow and data store.   Context diagram is used to show the high level process of the system and also provide the relationship between systems to the external entities like external data, system and organizational group. Context diagram of the proposed model are given below. It is provide no data and information about the sequencing, synchronization and timing process of the system (Kodosky, 1996).

(2) To draw a Use case diagram using level-0 DFD

Use case of the level O data flow diagram is shown in below. Use   case method is used to evaluate and identify the requirement of the system (Rosenberg and Stephens, 2004). Use case diagram is used the set of sequence that provides the interaction between the user and system in particular goal and environment (Larman, 2015).

(3) To develop domain model class diagram for the proposed system

Domain class model is used to evaluate the object of the data that is used in the business process and it is also used to identify the relationship between the object and data (Teorey, Lightstone and Nadeau, 2005).

Data modeling tools and technique are used to convert the complex design into the easily uneatable for the user and represent the flow of the data and process (Henderson-Sellers and Unhelkar, 2000).

(4) Develop an activity diagram

Activity diagram is used to capture the dynamic behavior of the system and also show the flow of the message from one activity to other activity (Larman, 2015). Sometime     activity diagram is look like flow of the chart due to representation of the diagram but actually activity diagram is not a flow chat (He, 2001). Activity diagram of the flow chart are shown in below.

(5) Propose a sequence diagram

With the help of the sequence diagram programmer has to show the functionalities and actions of the existing system and the proposed diagram of the new system software are shown in below (Rosenberg and Stephens, 2004).


As from the above report it is observed that the activity, sequence, class diagram and the DFD i.e. data flow diagram is most important for creating a new database system.  Flow of the data and information is done with the help of the activity diagram and it helps the programmer in order to identify the issues and problems (MacWhinney, 2000). It is observed that if and organization has to use new database in its organization then paper work is less and maintenance of the data is easily done (Zang, 2003).



Bruza, P. and Weide, T. (1989). The semantics of data flow diagrams. Nijmegen, the Netherlands: University of Nijmegen, Dept. of Informatics, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics.

He, L. (2001). UML activity diagram reduction by graph transformations. Ottawa.

Henderson-Sellers, B. and Unhelkar, B. (2000). Open modeling with UML. Harlow, England: Addison-Wesley.

Larman, C. (2015). Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-oriented Analysis and. 2nd ed. Prentice hall, pp.70-72.

Leffingwell, D. and Widrig, D. (2000). Managing software requirements. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.

MacWhinney, B. (2000). The database. Mahwah, NJ [u.a.]: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Rosenberg, D. and Stephens, M. (2004). Use Case Driven Object Modeling with UMLTheory and Practice.

Teorey, T., Lightstone, S. and Nadeau, T. (2005). Database modeling & design. Amsterdam: Elsevier.

Zang, J. (2003). Design of a redundancy protocol.

Kodosky, J. L. (1996). U.S. Patent No. 5,481,740. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.


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