
MPK732 – Marketing Management

MPK732 – Marketing Management

Assessment 1 – Case Study Analysis


DUE DATE AND TIME: Thursday 30 August (week 7) by 5.00pm AEST
MODE: Group of 2-3 students or individually
WORD LIMIT: 3000 Words

Learning Outcome Details

Unit Learning Outcome (ULO) Graduate Learning Outcome (GLO)
ULO 1: Evaluate the key concepts, models and GLO 1: Discipline-specific knowledge and
theories upon which the practice of marketing is capabilities: The case study analysis enables you to
based: The case study analysis enables you to reflect on and demonstrate your marketing
reflect on and critique the “key concepts, models management knowledge and capabilities.
and theories” addressed in MPK732.
ULO 2: Apply the fundamental principles involved GLO 1: Discipline-specific knowledge and
in managing marketing: The case study analysis capabilities: The case study analysis enables you to
requires you to apply the fundamental principles of reflect on and demonstrate your marketing
marketing management to a real world marketing management knowledge and capabilities.
situation. GLO 5: Problem solving: Case studies are a
commonly used method of problem-based learning.
Typically, using a case study aims to develop your
reasoning, problem-solving and decision-making
ULO 3: Analyze marketing problems and be GLO 4: Critical thinking: Case studies require you to
capable of applying relevant concepts, models critique the theory addressed in the unit and to
and theories to generate appropriate solutions: assess its usefulness as it applies in the real world.
The case study analysis enables you to solve This makes your learning clearly relevant to “real”
problems using previously acquired knowledge. It situations.
also engages you in research and reflective GLO 5: Problem solving: Case studies are a
discourse for the purpose of problem solving.
commonly used method of problem-based learning.
Typically, using a case study aims to develop your
reasoning, problem-solving and decision-making

ULO 4: Communicate an in-depth understanding of a range of issues, practices, models and phenomena in marketing: The case study analysis completed in groups exposes you to different viewpoints and commentaries on marketing. Students need to communicate with one another to successfully complete the analysis, and as a group they need to effectively communicate with the reader of their case study analysis.

GLO 2: Communication: The case study analysis assists in developing your communication skills. It allows students to learn from one another via effective communication. Students also need to communicate well with the reader of their case study analysis.

Assessment Feedback:

Students who submit their work by the due date will receive their marks and feedback on CloudDeakin by 15 working days after the due date.


Marking Criteria

A detailed rubric for this assessment task will be provided via Cloud. Please see the relevant rubric in the assessment folder for Assignment 1. In summary, the marking criteria will include:


  • Solutions to problems posed, i.e., demonstrate comprehension of the problem and formulate solutions
  • Application of theory, i.e., to current, real-world marketing issues
  • Presenting and defending a position, i.e., consideration of the complexities of issues and acknowledging other points of view
  • Use of literature to support arguments
  • Mechanics, e.g., spelling and grammar, language, use of referencing styles


Description / Requirements

Your Brief


A case study typically is an accurate, historical record of a business situation that actually has been faced by business executives. The main aim of using the case study method is to allow you the opportunity to translate theory into practice in a business situation that is as close to real world experience as possible. The marketing situation(s) depicted in the case reflects the uncertainty of the real-world marketing environment, and the reality of any practical situation. You will have to master the art of sifting through all types of information, which is often incomplete, not presented in the correct order, and may even be irrelevant or misleading, to solve the problems posed.

You may find, and be frustrated by the fact, that in some situations there appears to be no single “right” solution to the problem. There are likely to be multiple approaches, each one with a different implication for the organization, and each involving different trade-offs.

Since the case study problems may be approached at times from different perspectives, your main task will be to argue correctly the logic of, and evidence for, your solutions to the problems at hand. The importance of the case study exercise is to emphasize how you arrived at your solution, rather than just emphasize the solution itself.


Getting Started

Read the case study, The Chia Co: Offering a Superfood or a Fad?, as soon as possible, when available on Cloud in the ‘Assessment 1 Learning Resources’. A prompt start will give you time to “tune” into the case study. In particular, there is an amazing amount of relevant background information publicly available that will have some bearing on the marketing situation described in your case. Keep a look out for it! Academic journals and books, newspapers, magazines and television are an especially good place to start your information search. Collect anything that you think may help to enrich your analysis. You can always discard any irrelevant material later.


Now focus on the specific case problems posed below. These problems have been designed so that you can apply the theory from the unit to the practical case study to arrive at solutions. Critically evaluate and add to the existing information provided in your case study by:


  • Continuing to read journal, newspaper and magazine articles on your topic.


  • Looking for current event type television programs and published brochures, etcetera that may be relevant to your topic.


  • Observing the industry that the case is based on.


Please note: In this assignment, you are expected to utilise an extensive amount of research conducted in the discipline of marketing and related fields, to extend your knowledge. Please do NOT rely solely on your own opinions, personal experience, and the case study and other materials that you have been provided.


Case study problems


  1. What factors contributed to the success of The Chia Co? What competitive advantages does The Chia Co possess, including consideration of the brand, products and value proposition, demand, and market position? In your answer, conduct a 5Cs and SWOT analyses for The Chia Co including consideration of the characteristics of the superfood product category and market, and future opportunities. Justify your analysis using appropriate sources.
  2. Evaluate the segmentation, targeting and positioning for The Chia Co within the superfood market, including the competitors named in the case and other products and brands (not mentioned) who may have entered or have the potential to enter the market. From your research of the case and other relevant sources, how do you perceive the future market for superfoods? For two segments that The Chia Co could target (either in the case or not), describe each segment (e.g., size, growth, et cetera) and create a persona describing for each, the segment’s profile, activities, preferences, and needs. For the identified segments and personas, summarise how they are different or similar from each other. Use elements of consumer behaviour and market segmentation, targeting and positioning (STP) theory to inform your response.
  3. Your arguments need to be supported by your understanding of the company’s strategy, strengths, weaknesses, and competitive advantages identified in Q1, in combination with your expectation of the market identified in Q2, with supporting justifications from the case, other sources, relevant theory, your analysis, and acknowledgement of any assumptions. In other words, your solutions to the problems identified in each question should draw on evidence and insights from the case and other relevant sources, and show strong integration across the questions of insights and understanding gleaned from your analysis.
  4. How can The Chia Co keep itself and its product ahead of other superfoods? Based on the insights gleaned in Q32what one target market do you recommend The Chia Co brand focus on going forward and why? What value proposition, positioning strategy and product(s) would you recommend for this target market? Craft a perceptual map and positioning statement linking the products to your recommended positioning strategy for this target market being mindful of what ethical concerns should be considered when marketing superfoods and how The Chia Co should tackle these.References: A complete citation of all work/research of others referenced should be included in a list of references (not included in the word count). As this is a post- graduate unit, and students are required to have advanced research and critical skills, a minimum of 20 references, mostly from peer- reviewed sources, is expected. Harvard style of referencing should be used throughout the main body. Your analysis needs to be based on your own external research using quality external sources. Assignments that only draw from the case, prescribed textbook and readings, and rudimentary or questionable webpages (e.g., Wikipedia, the Online MBA), or other textbooks are unlikely to be awarded a pass grade.

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