
MRKT20052 Marketing Report

MRKT20052 Marketing Report



  • This individual report will have 2500-3000 words between introduction and conclusion sections. Please upload the task through the appropriate Moodle link by week 10
  • Each assessment must be uploaded as a doc or .docx file (word file)
  • It is expected that the report will be based on some research findings, including data and information from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Austrade, relevant and authentic Web sites, textbooks, recent and relevant journal papers, and will use your experience and observation based on the formative assessment (i.e., presentation/assessment task 1)
  • Any assessment with a Turnitin’ score of more than 20% will be checked by the marker and unit coordinator for plagiarism although it may not necessarily mean that you have plagiarised. If we find a substantial matching rate in the ‘Turnitin’ report, your task will be forwarded to an appropriate office/authority for necessary actions.


  • You are strongly suggested to attend the lecture, tutorial, and discussion sessions. Please also follow the examples available on the Moodle site, textbook, and/or on the Web.

Please ensure that your presentation includes relevant marketing concepts, theories, tools, and models discussed in the unit until week 10

Please cite and reference relevant data and information, where applicable. Your examiners expect authentic citations/references for GDP data, per capita income, sales data, demographic data, market share and groth-related data and the like.


Where applicable, data related to media and budget allocation, BCG matrix, industry- competitors’ sales/market share, product life cycle (PLC), market share and growth data, and the like can be hypothetically developed.

This is applicable if you do not find relevant data in various secondary sources. In these cases, simply write “source: assumed and prepared for this assignment task only”


Please remember that the data/information that is readily available on the Web or in other published resources cannot be ‘assumed’ for this assessment task. Please familiarise yourself with the Universty’s assessment policy and procedure, grading policy, assessment extension policy, late submission penalty, plagiarism policy and the like.

  • If you have any difficulty, please discuss this with your lecturer/tutor and unit coordinator.

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CIS5101 Prototype & Briefing Report

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