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NSB103 Health Assessment

NSB103 Health Assessment

Assessment Task 2


Assessment name: Reflection on Observation.
Task description: You will begin to engage with experiential learning and reflective practice using a focused and structured reflection of an observation experience. Key emphasis is on use of observational strategies and approaches. This experience will incorporate the use of reflection tools and link to your Portfolio. Your task is to undertake a General Survey (observing physical presence, psychological presence, distress, and pain) through observation of two (2) groups of people (groups of between 2-4 people in each group).

This observation will be undertaken at the QUT university campus. However, you must not breach privacy or confidentiality, as noted in the QUT Student Codes of Conduct, by listening to the conversations that occur during your observation experience, so be sure to choose a situation where you can easily observe but not intrude in the group’s interaction, comfort or privacy. In choosing your 2 groups to look for variations among groups (e.g. different ages, different cultures etc.).

Learning outcomes assessed: 1.    Conduct a health assessment using a range of data collection methods and accurately document these findings.

5.    Apply critical thinking and reflection skills to analyze health assessment practice.

What you need to do: Respond to the task instructions below. Draw from the literature and refer to those sources to demonstrate your knowledge.                       

1.    Select a significant person from each interaction that you observed (i.e. one from each of the two groups).  Using the General Survey on p. 815 in the prescribed text (Estes et al., 2016) as a guide, describe each significant person’s physical and psychological presence and note any distress and or pain observed. Also, include an explanation of the observational strategies that you employed during this experience (i.e. what you were looking for). (Approximately 500 words)


2.    Using the STARL reflective model, reflect on undertaking a general survey using only observation. In your reflection, you should focus on what data could be collected using this method and what additional data would you need to accurately assess the person and how would you collect it.  Identify each step of the STARL framework to demonstrate your application of the reflective process.  Use current and relevant literature to support your response (You will be able to include this to your nursing portfolio at a later date). (Approximately 500 words)


Length: 1000 words
Estimated time to complete the task: 10-12 hours
Weighting: 30 %
Individual/Group: Individual
Formative/Summative: Formative and Summative
How will I be assessed: 7-point grading scale using a rubric
Due date: Friday 4th May submitted via Turnitin in your NSB103 Blackboard site by 2359hours. More information about Turnitin is available on the FAQs about Turnitin page.
Presentation requirements: This assessment task must:·         Respond to the instructions provided

·         Not breach privacy or confidentiality QUT student codes of conduct. Therefore, no images, no recording and no involvement in the interaction.

·         Not include an introduction or a conclusion

·         Use a minimum of 5 references

·         Use QUT APA referencing for citing academic literature

·         Be submitted in electronic format as a single Adobe PDF document via Turnitin.

The format of assignment: Your assignment should be written in short answer format and prepared as follows:

  • Has a cover sheet with the assessment title, your name, student number, tutor name, and word count. Coversheet template is recommended.
  • Include a ‘footer’ on each page with your name, student number, unit code, and page number.
  • 3 cm margins on all sides, double-spaced text
  • Times new roman, font size 12
  • QUT APA style referencing (see http://www.citewrite.qut.edu.au/)
  • Use headings to structure your assignment logically
What you need to submit: One word document that contains the following items:1.    Assignment Cover Sheet & your work in the provided template


Resources needed to complete the task: ·         Estes et al., (2016). Health Assessment and Physical Examination. Australian and New Zealand 2nd Edition. Cengage Learning·         Crisp et al., (2017). Potter and Perry’s Fundamentals of NursingAustralian and New Zealand Edition (5e). Elsevier, Chatswood.

·         STARL reflection model video

·         Learning through the reflection web site.

·         QUT Cite|Write an APA guide.

·         Turnitin Tip Sheets.

NSB103 Assessment Task2 Rubric


Learning outcomes assessed:  1 and 5                                                                                                                                                                                    Weighting:  30 %



Unit Criterion
1.     Knowledge and understanding
7 6 5 4 3 2 1
General Survey assessment.


Demonstrates an in-depth and comprehensive knowledge of conducting a general survey, addressing all components of physical and psychological presence, pain and distress. Demonstrates comprehensive knowledge of conducting a general survey, addressing most of the components of physical and psychological presence, pain and distress. Demonstrates a solid understanding of conducting a general survey, addressing many of the components of physical and psychological presence, pain and distress. Demonstrates functional knowledge of conducting a general survey, addressing some of the components of physical and psychological presence, pain and distress. Evidence of some knowledge of a general survey, but misses significant components of physical and psychological presence, pain and distress. Lacks knowledge of general survey and/or significantly misunderstands the task. No evidence of knowledge of general survey. Inaccurate/inappropriate/ consideration of the task.
Describing the observational strategies used.



Has provided a clear, coherent, and insightful description of the observational strategies used. Has provided a logical and accurate description of the observational strategies used. Has provided a clear description of the observational strategies used. Has provided a sound description of the observational strategies used. The response broadly describes the observational strategies. The response briefly addresses the observational strategies but misses important points. No evidence of understanding of the observational task.
Application of STARL (Situation, Task, Action, Result/Reflection, Learning) Reflection Framework.



Consistently demonstrates effective use of the reflective process, addressing all steps of the STAR framework Effective application of the reflective process, addressing most of the steps of the STAR framework The logical application of the reflective process, addressing many of the steps of the STARL framework Sound application of the reflective process, addressing some of the steps of the STARL framework Some evidence of attempt at the reflective process but misses significant components of the STARL framework Lacks knowledge on the reflective process and the STARL framework No evidence of application of reflective processes
2.     Critical thinking and use of evidence.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Use of literature/
evidence of reading10%
Has developed and justified responses based on a range of quality, contemporary sources. Able to critically apply the literature and theory gained for a variety of sources. Clear evidence and application of reading relevant to the topic. Literature is presented with some evidence of application but tends towards description. Literature is presented uncritically in a purely descriptive way and indicates limitation of understanding. Literature presented is not integrated and/or is irrelevant to the topic. No evidence of literature being consulted or literature presented is irrelevant to the assignment.
Critical thinking and analysis and synthesis


Consistently demonstrates the application of critical analysis which is well integrated with the text. Effective application of critical analysis which is well integrated into the text. The logical application of critical analysis which is integrated into the text. Sound application of critical analysis which is integrated into the text.


Some evidence of critical analysis in text but this is inconsistent. Limited evidence of critical thought/analysis.


No application of critical thought/analysis.


3. Literary presentation and writing style
7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Clarity of expression (including accuracy, spelling, grammar, punctuation).10% Fluent writing style appropriate to the assignment. Grammar and spelling are accurate. The language was fluent. Minor grammar and spelling errors only. The language was mainly fluent. Grammar and spelling are mostly accurate. Meaning apparent but language not always fluent. Contains grammar and/or spelling errors. Meaning unclear. Contains many grammar and/or spelling errors. Meaning unclear. Contains frequent grammar and/or spelling errors. Language expression poor. Contains numerous grammar and/or spelling errors.
Conforming to assignment instructions and conventions (including word length).5% Assignment within prescribed presentation parameters. Assignment submitted with 1 presentation error. Assignment submitted with 2-3 presentation errors. Assignment submitted with more than 3 presentation errors. Assignment deviates from presentation parameters. Assignment deviates from prescribed presentation parameters. Assignment deviates significantly from prescribed presentation parameters.
Referencing (QUT APA) conforms with QUT Cite/Write guidelines5% Accurately and consistently adhered to QUT APA referencing conventions, in both the text and the reference list Almost always accurately and consistently adhered to QUT APA referencing conventions, in both the text and the reference list Accurately followed, for the most part, QUT  APA referencing conventions in both the text and the reference list Followed some of QUT APA referencing conventions in both the text and the reference list with a  few minor errors Referencing is inaccurate with multiple errors and/or unsystematic. Referencing is unsystematic and/or absent. Referencing is absent.

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