Object Oriented Program | Game
1 The game
You are to write code for a text-based adventure game where the player walks around in a house, and can take and use items that are placed in the house. The house should have several rooms with doors in between them. The doors can be open or closed. The player can only move between rooms with an open door between them.
There are also supposed to be items of different types in the rooms. Some items are stationary, and nothing can be done with them. Some items are movable, and the player can take them, carry them around and release them. A third type of items are movable with an action that can be performed when the player holds them. For instance a key could be used to unlock doors.
The game is played by using simple text commands, like “go N”, to go to a room north of the current location, and “take cup” to pick up a cup. An example of how the game can look when played can be found in Appendix A.
1.1 Description of the game world
The game world, i.e. the house should be described in a text file. Rooms, doors, items and starting position should be defined in this file
A house specification text file should include the following parts:
- Specification of rooms starts with the word “room” followed by the name of the room, which should not contain spaces.
- Specification of doors starts with the word “door”, and has three parts
– Direction: “dir1-dir2”, where the direction from the first room is followed by a hyphen, followed by the direction from the other room
– The name of the first room the door leads to
– The name of the second room the door leads to
The directions can be any string at all, but I suggest using cardinal directions, like “N” for north. If one wants several doors in the same directions, it is possible to use indexes like “N1”, “N2”. If one wants a house where it is easy to get lost, it is possible to use non-logical direction pairs like “N-E”.
- Which room the player starts in is given by the word “start” followed by a room name.
- Items are specified starting with the word “item”, followed by at least three parts:
– The name of the item (any string without spaces
– The name of the room where the item is – The type of the item:
- STATIONARY: the item cannot be lifted
- MOVE: the item can be lifted, but cannot be used for any task
- USE: the item can be lifted and used for some action.
– If the item is of type USE, this should be followed by the action that can be performed if the player holds the item.
- Empty lines, and lines starting with “#” (comments) should be ignored.
All strings should be without spaces, but underscores can be used if you want to have multi word identifiers. The above is a starting point for the file. Depending on your individual extensions to the game, you may need to extend the format slightly.
Figure 1 contains an example configuration, corresponding to the image in Figure 2. You may use this as a starting point for your own house description, if you wish. In principle you should be able to run your code also with this file, possibly without the unlock operation for the key, though, which is optional.
In your code for reading the house description files, you can assume that the correct format is used, no extra error handling is needed for that. The house description file should be given as an argument when starting your game: python textGame.py gameConfiguration.txt
1.2 Commands
Your game will include the following commands:
- go DIR: Let’s the player move to the room in direction DIR, if there is an open door in that direction
#Rooms room
Hall room
Kitchen room
Storage room
#Doors door N-S open Hall Bedroom
door N-S closed Storage Kitchen door
E-W locked Hall Storage door E-W
open Bedroom Kitchen
#Items item box Storage
STATIONARY item hour_glass
Kitchen MOVE item key Bedroom
USE unlock
#Start position start Hall
Figure 1: Example house specification file
- take ITEM: Let’s the player take the item ITEM if it is in the same room as the player, and ITEM is not a STATIONARY item. The item should then be held by the player, and no longer available in the room.
- release ITEM: Let’s the player release item ITEM, if he holds it. The item will then be in the room the player is in, and should no longer be held by the player
- open DIR: Opens the door in direction DIR in the current room, if there is such a door, and if that door is closed
- show: Describes the room the player is currently in, i.e. gives its name, lists the doors, and the available items, if any.
- commands: Lists all available commands in the game.
- holding: Lists all the items the player is currently holding
- quit: Ends the game.
Beside these pre-defined actions, you should also add at least two of your own commands, that requires the player to hold a specific item. An example can be the command “unlock DIR” that requires the player to hold a key, and that unlocks a door in direction DIR ( this would require doors to also have a locked status). You are free to choose these actions and items on your own, but here are some suggestions:
- Unlock DIR – requires a key to unlock a door
- Read ITEM – reads some hidden text in an item like a book or note, for instance a clue to the player. The text to be displayed can be added to the house description.
- Drink/eat ITEM – Probably does not really have any effect, but it is possible to restrict some other actions for which extra energy is needed (this is harder to implement, though, and is not required).
- Open ITEM – it is possible to have items that can contain other items, for instance a box. These items would become visible after typing OPEN. This would require extensions to the house description
- Keycode DIR CODE – one can imagine doors having keycodes in order to pass them. Requires modifications to the house description
1.3 Interaction
The interface for the game is text-based. The game gives the player information of how the current room looks like, and the player types commands, as specified above. See also the example in Appendix A.
When the game starts it should describe the room where the player starts. The game should also provide feedback on each command the player gives. Some commands, like “show” are requests for information, which should then be printed. For the other commands, if they are successful a confirmation of the action should be printed (e.g “you have taken the book”), or else an error message should be printed (e.g “there is no book”). For the command “go” a description of the new room should be printed if successful. If the player types in something that is not a correct command, an error message should be given. The game should not crush if the player makes an error in typing some command.
You do not have to worry about having correct grammar or a flow in the language. As long as everything is understandable, that is enough. Texts like “The action open was performed on door N1” or “You took a scissors” will be accepted.
2 Object orientation
The main purpose of this lab, except programming practice in general, is to let you practice object-oriented design. The game should be completely object-oriented. That means that all code, except a small main program should be part of a class.
Part of the task is to carefully think about your object-oriented design, which classes you should have, and how they should be connected. An extra demand on your code is that there should be at least one instance of inheritance. As a rule of thumb, try to make sure that each class has exactly one responsibility and try to have as few dependencies as possible between classes, so that not all classes knows about each other.
Beside the code you should also hand in a high-level UML class diagram for your project. Each class and the relations between them should be part of the diagram, but you do not need to specify methods and variables for your classes. It is recommended to work with your code and diagram in parallel. A good work flow is to start by sketching a diagram, which is then updated while you do the coding, and possibly realize that some of your thoughts were not perfect from the beginning. Carefully check that the code and diagram are consistent before you hand them in.
3 Requirements for your code
Your game should fulfill the following requirements
- The game should work as outlined in this text
- All commands described above, plus two own commands should be implemented
- The house should fulfill:
– There should be at least six rooms (you may etiher extend the specification file described in this document, or create a new house from scratch
– There should be both open and closed doors when the game starts
– There should be at least one item of type STATIONARY, one item of type MOVE and two items of type USE, one for each additional action you implement
- The game should not crush, but give an error message if the player types something strange
- The game should be completely object-oriented, with no code outside classes, except a short main program
- Inheritance should be used at least once
What to hand in
All of you should hand in the following:
- All your code
- A UML diagram (could be drawn by hand and scanned/photoed, or drawn using some software tool)
- Your house description file
- A printout of a run of your game that illustrates the required and your own commands, and some error messages (like in Appendix A
Master students should in addition hand in a report of about 1 A4 page. It should contain a discussion of your object-oriented design, and can bring up the following questions. Was it easy to solve the problems that came up, using the design you choose? Was there something in your design that made some part of the implementation difficult? Are there some choices in the design that you regret and wish you had solved differently? Was there something in your original design that you realized that you needed to change once you started coding? Is there something about your design that you are specifically satisfied with? One example of something that can be either easy or difficult depending on your design is that if you open a door from one direction, it should also be open from the other direction. Also bring up your choices of data structures. Choose 2–3 examples of data structures you choose, and describe reasons, pros and cons with this choice. For instance, how did you keep track of all the different rooms, using a list, deque, dictionary or other structure, and why?
Appendix A: example game ru
Below is an example of a test run of a text-based game. This game is consistent with the example world described above. It contains the command “unlock” which requires a key. Commands typed by the player are indicated as starting with a prompt symbol “>”. View this as an example. The exact formulations of answers may be different in your game
> python textGame.py gameConfiguration.txt
Welcome to the house game!
You are in the Hall.
There are doors towards E,
Please type commands in order to play the game!
> go E
The door is locked
> go N
You are in the Bedroom.
Here are doors towards S, E Here are the following items: key
- take key You took key
- show
You are in the Bedroom
Here are doors towards S, E
> go E
You are in the Kitchen.
Here are doors towards S, W Here are the following items: hour_glass
- take hour_glass You took hour_glass
- go S
The door is closed
- open S Opened the door
- go S
You are in the Storage.
Here are doors towards N, W Here are
the following items: box
> take box
It is not possible to take box
> go W
The door is locked
> unlock W
The door is unlocked
- open W Opened the doo
- go W
You are in the Hall.
There are doors towards E, N
> go E
You are in the Storage.
Here are doors towards N, W Here are
the following items: box
> holding
You are holding: key
- release hour_glass hour_glass released
- show
You are in the Storage.
Here are doors towards N, W Here are
the following items:
box hour_glass
> holding
You are holding: key
> release box
You do not hold box
- take cup There is no cup
- go S
There is no door
> jump
I do not understand
> open
What should I open
> quit Good bye and thanks for playing
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