ppmp 20011

PPMP 20011 Commercial Project Negotiation for Project Managers

PPMP 20011 Commercial Project Negotiation for Project Managers

ppmp 20011

Practical Assessment 1: Projects Negotiation and Conflict Report

ppmp 20011


  1. Qld Health Payroll
  • Practical Assessment 1: Projects Negotiation and Conflict Report
  1. The Projects;
  2. The Participants;
  3. The Negotiation Interaction Process;
  4. The Negotiation Methods;
  5. The Outcome.

ppmp 20011

QLD Health Payroll

  • YouTube:– QH Payroll Disaster Case Study – News Roll-up from 2010 to 2013
  • Case Study Files for Practical Assessments:– 2012-05-31
  • KPMG QLD Health Payroll Implementation Review– 2012-11-01
  • Secret Cabinet documents emerge – Courier Mail– 2013-07-31
  • Queensland Health Payroll System Commission of Inquiry Report– 2014-01-23
  • Grosser M 2014 Legal lessons – Government News– 2014-12-14
  • Eden Sedera 2013 The Largest Admitted IT Project Failure in the Southern Hemisphere

ppmp 20011

Practical Assessment 1: Projects Negotiation and Conflict Report


  • Dates:–  Posted template in week 5–  Due in week 6
  • Purpose:– The Projects Negotiation and Conflict Report is a communication tool that is used as the basis for managing negotiation, identifying conflict areas and stakeholder engagement.
  • Sources:–  KPMG 2012 Review of the Queensland Health Payroll System;– Peña-Mora F., and Tamaki T. 2001. Effect of Delivery Systems on Collaborative Negotiations for Large -Scale Infrastructure Projects;–  Alfredson T., & Cungu A. 2008. Negotiation Theory and Practice;–  Walker and Walker 2015 Collaborative Project Procurement Arrangements;– Kerzner Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling and Controlling (2013);–  Directing plus Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2 (2009);– A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) 5th Edition (2013).

ppmp 20011

Practical Assessment 1: Projects Negotiation and Conflict Report


  • KPMG 2012 Review of the Queensland Health Payroll System– Recommendations (p. 9 & 36-38):– Project:


  1. Forward strategy for payroll system;
  2. Governance and decision-making;
  3. People and change;
  4. – Template Structure:


  1. Program Information;
  2. The Projects;
  3. The Participants;
  4. The Negotiation Interaction Process;
  5. The Negotiation Methods;
  6. The Outcome.

Practical Assessment 1: Projects Negotiation and Conflict Report

  1. The Projects– Walker & Walker (2015) Collaborative Project Procurement Arrangements Chapter 2:
  • The Shenhar et al. Diamond Perspective: NCTP (p. 7);
  • The Turner and Cochrane Four-quadrant Perspective (p. 9);
  • Projects from an Organizational Learning Process Perspective (p. 9);
  • Projects from an Identity Perspective (p. 10);
  • Projects from a Complex Product-Services Perspective (p. 12);– Your Task for each Project:
  • What are the project characteristics?

What are your justifications for these characteristics

ppmp 20011

Practical Assessment 1: Projects Negotiation and Conflict Report


  1. The Participants– Peña-Mora and Tamaki (2001) state (p. 107-108) that:


  • project participants’ roles, responsibilities, and relationships are used to identify their interests, positions, and attitudes… …and the potential conflicts in those relationships– Peña-Mora and Tamaki also identify that there are three participants:
  • Owner, Designers, Contractors– Your Task for each Project:
  • The negotiating position of the Owner, Designers, and Contractors
  • The potential conflicts in relationships that the Owner, Designers, and Contractors may have.

ppmp 20011

Practical Assessment 1: Projects Negotiation and Conflict Report


  1. The Negotiation Interaction Process– Alfredson & Cungu (2008) state (p. 107-108) that there are five possible approaches to negotiation:


  • approaches in negotiation (p. 9-18):
  • a structural approach;
  • a strategic approach;
  • a behavioural approach;
  • a concessional exchange approach;
  • an integrative approach– Your Task for each Project:
  • Our recommended negotiating position.

    Practical Assessment 1: Projects Negotiation and Conflict Report


    1. The Negotiation Methods


    – Alfredson & Cungu (2008) (p. 18) provide summaries of their approaches;

    – Kerzner (2013) (p. 1164) also provides negotiation methods;

    – Your Task for each Project:

    Your recommended negotiating position – words or JPG mindmap

ppmp 20011

Practical Assessment 1: Projects Negotiation and Conflict Report

  1. The Outcome


–  Walker and Walker (2015) identify three broad procurement approaches (p.16-37):


  • 1A Design Bid Build (DBB) (p. 17);


  • 1B Cost reimbursement (Cost-Plus) (p. 18);
  • 2A Design and Construct (D&C) (p. 19);
  • 2B integrated Supply Chain Management (SCM) (p. 20+);
  • 2C Management Contracting (MC) (p. 21);
  • 2D consortia of Joint Venture (JV) contractors (p. 21+);
  • 2E the Build-Own-Operate-Transfer (BOOT) family (p. 23+);
  • 3A partnering philosophies (p. 25+);
  • 3B integrated solutions; including Competitive Dialogue (CD), Integrated Project Delivery (IDP) and delivery consortia/partner philosophies (p. 27+);
  • 3C alliancing including Project Alliances (PA), Design Alliances (DA) and program Service Alliances (SA) (p. 29+);
  • 4 Early Contractor Involvement (ECI) (p. 35);
  • 5 Framework agreements (p. 36).


–  Your Task for each Project:


  • Your preferred form of procurement as an outcome from the negotiation process.

ppmp 20011



  • Qld Health Payroll
  • Practical Assessment 1: Projects Negotiation and Conflict Report
  1. The Projects
  2. The Participants;
  3. The Negotiation Interaction Process;
  4. The Negotiation Methods;
  5. The Outcome.

ppmp 20011

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