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PPMP20008 Assessment 2


PPMP20008 Assessment 2


Assessment 2:

Project Scenario

CQUniversity NAIDOC Week Celebrations

  1. Project Title:

CQUniversity NAIDOC Week Celebrations


  1. Concept:

Increase the awareness of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ perspectives by creating opportunities for CQU staff and students to engage with and celebrateNational Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee (NAIDOC).


  1. Background

The School of Engineering and Technology (SET) Indigenisation Committee is interested in projects that will:

  • Provide opportunities for respectful and culturally appropriate engagement and collaboration with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and/or
  • Improve CQU staff and student awareness and understanding of indigenous Australian perspectives and cultures.

At the last meeting,the Committee discussed ideas forhosting events on CQU campuses. The preferred optionof the committee was a project to celebrateNAIDOC week by hostingsimultaneous events on the main campuses.


  1. Preferred Project

The School of Engineering and Technology (SET) Indigenisation Committee has requesteda projectto host events celebrating NAIDOC Week at the following CQUniversity campuses: Rockhampton, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and Perth.The Committee emphasised that the events were an opportunity for CQU staff and students to engage with and build collaborative relationships with the local Aboriginal Communities.

Visit the NAIDOC week website:http://www.naidoc.org.au/ to complete the details below.

The events are to reflect the current years NAIDOC week theme, which is:


Events are to occur during NAIDOC week. This year NAIDOC week falls on the following dates:




  1. Your Task

The Chair of the CQUniversity SET Indigenisation Committee, Ms Natalie Ewin,has tasked you with providing the project board with furtherinformation in relation to the project. The Chair will act as the Project Executive for the project board. You are to develop a project plan that reflects the project described in this document and aligns to PMBoK and Prince2 requirements.


  1. Due Date

This submission is due in week 8.


  1. Template

The Project Executive has supplied a template, which has been tailored to suit the organisational context and incorporates elements of both a project plan and a charter. You are to use the template for the assessment. Delete all blue explanatory text prior to submitting.


  1. Marking Breakdown

The marking breakdown below for the submission and are reflected in thecontent headingsof the template provided. To ensure you do not lose marks, ensure you understand the project topic, the content headings and check your writing quality i.e. spelling, grammar etc.


Content of project submission Marks
Project description and justification 7
Stakeholders 10
Requirements management 5
Scope 10
Schedule 5
Budget 5
Risks 5
Tolerances 1
Lessons 2



  1. Group or Individual

Assessment task 2 is agroupassessment. There is to be a maximum of four students per group. Each member of the group must be enrolled in the same tutorial.



Each term groups are investigated for academic misconduct; this includes the group members who authored the original submission. It is your responsibility to ensure you understand what constitutes academic misconduct and the consequences. All members of your group will be found guilty regardless of who in the group provided (or failed to secure) the submission as well as those who have copied.

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