



This is a group assessment


Completion of PPMP20008 is like a project, there are likely things that went well and things that did not. Reflecting on the experience can be just as meaningful as retaining concepts taught.

This assessment item requires you to reflect on your participation in the course, identify lessons learnt, and consider what actions can be taken to address lessons and improve future study projects. Please note these learnings are based on your role as a student in PPMP20008 and not based on the case study.

You will need to determine a framework to base your lessons learnt on. In practice, lessons learnt discussions are framed to illicit learnings from participants. Consider what is the most effective way to do this within the context of your class (Flex – if not in a group – for you as an individual), the course and the experience during the term.

You must develop and submit a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation document discussing your reflection and lessons learnt.

Note – you will not be presenting the full presentation you developed due to class sizes and time restrictions. Therefore, you need to ensure your PowerPoint documents contains all the information required to demonstrate achievement of the assessment criteria.

You can utilise both the slides and the notes pages.

Common error

To assist a template for the presentation is provided. You can add slides to the template (no more than twenty (20) slides in total). You should also add images to cater for visual learners. Consider the marking rubric at the end of this document.

In week 12 tutorials, you will present one of the lessons you have identified to the class, you may use a single slide and should provide a copy of this to your tutor before you present. This should be very concise yet informative (1-2 minutes).


Flex students will need discuss with the unit coordinator their presentation of one lesson learnt.

Assessment Criteria Allocatedmarks
Your presentation will be assessed on the extent and quality to which it meets each of the following criteria:-
1 The framework for identifying lessons learnt would enable a meaningful lessons learnt process and address common issues experienced with lessons learnt in projects. 7.5
2 The lessons identified demonstrated deep reflection about the learning process. 7.5
3 SMART process improvement strategies were identified. (SMART – Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bounded). 7.5
4 A clear flow of thought throughout the presentation with a clear purpose described in the introduction and a comprehensive conclusion. Professional presenting style as if being presented to a project board. For on campus students this will be determined through the presentation, flex via the presentation notes. 7.5
 Total Marks 30

Ensure the PowerPoint presentation is appropriately formatted within slide and note/script limit: 10 to 20 slides, that there is clarity of expression, correct grammar, spelling and referencing. The presentation should cater for different learning preferences. Try not to read off notes when presenting in class, this takes practice and confidence in the material.

The following page contains a Rubric:

  0 marks 1.5 mark 3 marks 4.5 marks  6 marks 7.5 marks
1. The framework for identifying lessons learnt would enable a meaningful lessons learnt process and address common issues experienced with lessons learnt in projects.(7.5 marks) No lessons were identified and/or lessons identified did not relate to the assessment. Generic lessons learnt have been identified.

There is no evidence of what framework or process was used to identify the lessons.



The framework for identifying lessons learnt has enabled lessons learnt to be identified, however they are generic in nature.

There is no evidence the process addressed common issues experienced with lessons learnt in projects.

The framework for identifying lessons learnt has enabled a meaningful lessons learnt process.

There is no evidence the process addressed common issues experienced with lessons learnt in projects.

The framework for identifying lessons learnt has enabled a meaningful lessons learnt process.

There is some evidence of the process may have addressed common issues experienced with lessons learnt in projects.

The framework for identifying lessons learnt has enabled a meaningful lessons learnt process.

The process has addressed common issues experienced with lessons learnt in projects.

2. The lessons identified demonstrated deep reflection about the learning process.(7.5 marks)


No lessons were identified and/or lessons identified did not relate to the assessment. Lessons were identified, however they did not demonstrate any reflection about the learning process. Some of the lessons identified, but not all lessons demonstrated an attempt to reflect on the learning process. All lessons identified demonstrated an attempt to reflect on the learning process. All lessons identified demonstrated a reasonable reflection about the learning process. The lessons identified demonstrated deep reflection about the learning process.
3. SMART process improvement strategies were identified. (SMART – Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bounded). (7.5 marks)  No strategies were identified and/or strategies did not relate to the assessment. Strategies are identified but do not address any SMART criteria. Strategies address two of the five SMART criteria.


Strategies address three of the five SMART criteria Strategies address four of the five SMART criteria Strategies to address improvements or leverage opportunities are described in terms of SMART, including being specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bounded.
4. A clear flow of thought throughout the presentation with a clear purpose described in the introduction and a comprehensive conclusion. Professional presenting style as if being presented to a project board. For on campus students this will be determined through the presentation, flex via the presentation notes.(7.5 marks). The presentation did not have an introduction.

There was no conclusion.


The information in the presentation did not flow in a logical manner and/or did not relate to the assessment.


The presentation style was not appropriate.



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visit at : Assessment Item 2 Consumers as social beings

Assessment Item 2 Consumers as social beings

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