project plan

Project Plan: Perth Stadium

 Project Plan: Perth Stadium


The Project Charter should explain the background of the organization where this project will be carried out, the objectives of the project and the importance of this project to the organization. The project team should also include a Business Case, Milestone Schedule, as well as any major problems or anticipated Risks with this project if they are known at this stage. The textbook provides detailed examples of what needs to be included in the Project Charter.  These examples will assist the project team in the development of the Project Charter for My Project.

The project that your team uses could be from one of the following categories depending on the type of business a student is involved in:

• an organizational project that a student is involved in as the organization’s main line of business – to manage projects for your organization or on behalf of others

• an activity that a student is convinced would benefit from being handled as a project

• an activity in which a student was involved in the past that was not carried out as a project, but one which you believe would have been managed better as a project.

Project Plan: Perth Stadium


1. Introduction:

At present in Western Australia, Brookfield Multiplex is remaking popular Perth Stadium. Westadium Consortium (WC) is taking care of the entire task and Brookfield Multiplex is dealing with development works. The gathering of Lakhwinder and Navdeep is additionally a piece of Westadium Consortium and the gathering is effectively included in the fulfillment of the new arena. The present task manages to arrange and the executives of the Perth arena recreation venture.

2. Project Charter for New Perth stadium development:
Charter Element Description
Scope Stadium development, transportation infrastructure development, refreshment centers
Business Case behind the  project part of locality development
Milestone Schedule Construction starts in 2015

Seat installation in 2016

Surface development in 2017

Analysis of risk Change in international sports authority’s’ guidelines
Estimated Budget $1.1 billion
Stakeholders of the project Westadium Consortium

The government of Western Australia

Local people, players, vistors etc.

Lessons Importance of government support in large constructions
Operating principle of teams Different departments operate in collaboration

Table1: Project charter for New Perth Stadium Development project

2.1 Scope analysis:

Current venture for new Perth Stadium essentially goes for development of a five-layered multipurpose arena, which will have the capacity to various games including Cricket, soccer and AFL Football, rugby and other stimulation occasions. Investigation of undertaking extension is vital to creating nitty gritty arrangement (Kloppenborg, 2012). At present, the arena will have a limit of 60000 seats (, 2015). In any case, the seating limit can be expanded up to 70000 in future (, 2015). In the recently constructed arena, the solace of supporters is organized the most and secured seats will account 85% of all-out arena limit (Get The Bigger Picture, 2015). The task likewise incorporates the establishment of two 240 sqm video screens (, 2015). The structure is engaged o the stylish look of the arena. The venture likewise manages developments of a bronze-entrance, which will show topographical highlights of Western Australia. Auxiliary Constructions incorporated into the task are the person on footways, network lobbies, and places for BBQ, play areas and three recreational spaces. In this arena, LED lights will be introduced which will be changed by the voyage shade of home groups around evening time. Aside from this, there will be 4G Wi-Fi associations and arrangement of future establishment of increasingly 1000 screens. WC isn’t just endeavored development exercises, it is additionally in charge of legitimate support of the arena for the next 25 years (, 2015).

2.2 Business Case investigation:

As indicated by Eric Kirkland, (2014) business case examination empowers to see genuine motivations behind leading the task. The new Perth arena development is a vital piece of Burswood Peninsula redevelopment exercises. Be that as it may, the new arena can be utilized as a middle for various games and amusement exercises. As the new arena has the foundation of facilitating distinctive games and excitement exercises, numerous worldwide and national occasions will be sorted out here. This new arena will require a huge number of staffs when it will end up operational. So the present venture is relied upon to enhance the work measurements of the area. It is additionally expected that the new arena will upgrade the fame of Perth to vacationers and it will contribute essentially to the neighborhood economy.


2.3 Milestone schedule and success criteria:

Milestones Date of Completion Stakeholders Success Criteria
Current Condition:

Pre construction site works

November 2013 Ertech Keller Joint Venture(EKJV) 50% completion of the work
RFP (Request For Proposal)  Release and receiving proposals


December 2013 Western Australia Authority Receiving RFPs
Assessing and selecting  proposals Mid-2014 Western Australia Authority Announcing award of the contract  to Westadium Consortium
Commencement of detailed design development Mid-2014 Westadium Consortium Detailed Design development
Starting of the construction process 2015 Westadium Consortium

Brookfield Multiplex


Completion of the stadium within the stipulated time

Placing 8 tower cranes

2015 Westadium Consortium

Brookfield Multiplex


Starting Seat installation 2016 Westadium Consortium

Brookfield Multiplex


Finishing seat installation on time
Starting the installation of bronze faced 2016 Westadium Consortium

Brookfield Multiplex


Finising faced installation successfully
Hiring 5700 workers By end of 2016 Westadium Consortium

Brookfield Multiplex


Enhancing the speed of construction
Development of playing surface By mid-2017 Westadium Consortium

Brookfield Multiplex


Cpmpletion development of grass


Stadium becoming fully operational March 2018 Westadium Consortium

Brookfield Multiplex

Western Australia Authority

Successful organization of events
Maintenance of the stadium Next 25 years Westadium Consortium


Preventing the stadium from being damaged and  keeping it operational

Table 2: Milestone schedules and Success Criteria for the stadium development project

(Source:, 2015)

Our current project is segmented to different subtasks. Setting realistic milestones is one of the most important tasks for the smooth execution of the project (Kendrick, 2011). The current project commenced in July 2013 though inviting various organizations to undertake it.  The tendering process took place during the period August 2013 to December; 2013. Finally, in mid-2014, Westadium Consortium (WC) received the responsibility to undertake the project.  Before WC undertook the project, some pre-construction works took place at the site by KJV and half of these works were completed within November 2013. Designing team of the organization started developing the detailed design of the new stadium from mid-2014. Finally, the construction process commenced since late 2014.

Currently, the new stadium is under construction. The whole construction is expected to be completed by December 2017 (PerthNow, 2015). The future target for this project is making the stadium fully operational from March 2018. Although the construction work has just been started,  the first target is placing 8 tower cranes in the stadium area by 2015.  The next target in the timeline is starting seat installation from early 2016. According to the set timeline, installation of the bronze faced, will also start from early 2016. By the end of 2016, the large number of workers will be hired in the project to enhance speed. The playing surface will be finished by mid-2017.

2.4 Risk analysis and Constraint identification:

As we are part of a large project, analysis of risks is important for timely completion. As stated by Rybka and Bondar-Nowakowska, (2013) risk analysis is also important to limit the budget.

Change in Guidelines of Sports authorities: The stadium design indicates that it will be used to organize different sports including cricket, football, rugby etc. The current design of the stadium is developed according to the guidelines of these sports authorities. As it is a large project, it will take time to be completed. If the sports authorities such as FIFA or ICC change their rules and standards regarding the stadium, exiting design may need to be modified. It will cause adverse impacts on by both time and cost for successful completion of the project.

Damage of property caused by Supporters: WC is not only responsible for developing the stadium; it is also responsible for maintaining it when it will become operational. Often it is observed that the agitated supporters cause loss or damage of properties in a stadium. It will also affect the operating cost of new Perth Stadium.

Apart from this, it should be ensured that the stadium is being developed in a sustainable manner and it is not affecting the environment. On another hand, the Australian government also emphasizes providing comfort to spectators. Any change in environmental standards may require a change in construction design and material.

Time constraint for the project:   New Stadium development in Perth is a large project and it includes completion of several constructions such as multi-storied stadiums, road networks, and recreation centers. The construction work has just started in 2014 and according to the timeline; WC will complete it by December 2017. Due to the high complexity of designs, construction may not be finished within time.

2.5 Estimated Budget:

 According to the current plan, the stadium will require more than $1.1 billion to be built. However, about half of this fund will be collected from taxes paid by citizens. Rest amount is collected by a financial plan of WC.

2.6 Stakeholders of the project:

Stakeholders of the current projects are constructors-Brookfield Multiplex, project managers -Westadium Consortium, the Government of Western Australia. Members of WC except Brookfield Multiplex are Brookfield Financial, Brookfield Johnson Controls, and John Liang. Ponnappa, (2014) opined that the success of a project depends on the contribution of stakeholders in it. John Liang is responsible for asset management and equity investment. Brookfield financial is responsible for fund allocation and Brookfield Johnson looks after facility management activities. All these members are stakeholders of the new stadium development project. Apart from these local people of Perth can also be considered as stakeholders as the project may influence their lives also.

Stakeholder Identification and Prioritization matrix
  Brookfield Multiplex Brookfield Financial Brookfield Johnson controls John Liang Western Australia Government Local people
Importance of project to stakeholder Successful  completion of construction works Maintaining cash flow and providing financial pieces of advice Managing  core project activities and makes it profitable  to WC Fund development Successful completion of the project

Making the new stadium operational

Successful completion  may lead to  financial growth and also can increase  job opportunities
Power High:

Taking decisions regarding the construction of the stadium and surrounding area


Making cash flow   and budget allocation strategies


Responsible for undertaking  main tasks related to  stadium development


Develops strategies regarding stock market activities


Made all  policies regarding  stadium development


Cannot take part in  project works directly

Interest High: Completing   all primary and secondary construction works  within time and budget High:

Completing the project without hampering quality  and making the profit for WC


Ensuring the quality of tasks  while maintaining profitability


Development of fund


Successful completion of the project will lead to financial growth in the local area.


Successful completion  of a stadium can lead to prosperity indirectly

Influence High

Influence is high as   construction is an important part of the stadium development project


Interrupted cash flow and budget allocation can  interrupt the progress  of the whole project


Ensures that the tasks related to stadium development are executed efficiently


Ensures uninterrupted  process of  stadium development


Can  change policies anytime


Cannot take part directly in the policy-making process

Impact High

Quality of the  project depends on construction  work


Timely  completion depends on the efficiency of financial allocations


Controls efficiency and thus  improves the quality of the new stadium


Efficient funding ensures  timely completion  of the stadium


Change in government policies can cause the alteration in design and  time limit


Cannot  alter project works

Urgency High

Delay in construction can  cause a delay  in the total project


Financial allocation is important to avoid  unwanted delays


As it is a large construction project, quality  is important


Quality of the project depends  on  funding


Main  client of the project


Indirectly related to project

Legitimacy It is a

member of Westadium Consortium (WC)(Project manager)

It is a

member of Westadium Consortium (WC)(Project manager)

Facilities manager and member of WC Equity Investor and member of WC Project owner  Stadium  construction will impact on lives of Perth Residents indirectly
Total High High High High High Low
Priority Key Key Key Key Key Other (secondary)

Table 3: Stakeholder Identification and Prioritization matrix for stadium development

2.7 Lessons:

Western Australia is undertaking the project of stadium development in PPP model and it is part of the Burswood re-development process. Our team got the opportunity to take part in this project; we learned valuable lessons while working for WC. These are as follows,

Importance of Government support for large structure development: We, Lakhwinder and Navdeep, realized the importance of government support for large constructions while working in this project. In the case of our project, new stadium development in Perth, a huge fund is required for its successful execution. In this case, funding has not become of a problem as the government collected almost 60% of the total amount from taxpayers (PerthNow, 2015). Although there are environmental constraints, the government’s focus on attracting visitors helped to designers to reduce complexity caused by strict environmental standards.

Importance of provision of change:  As the proposed stadium is a multipurpose one, its design needs to be changed due to modification in any of the sports guidelines. Apart from this,   it may require to expand in future also. To avoid future problems the design is made flexible for changes.

2.8 Operating principle of teams:

The current project is being executed through the collaboration of different departments. Regular meetings are held among teams o these to discuss the status of work and new target development. However, each team sets their own course of action to complete their tasks.

3. Communication Plan:

The communication plan for the project is presented here through a communication matrix. The communication plan is important to execute operational activities and it is helpful for strategic planning (Kloppenborg, 2012).

SI Purpose Structure Time Method
1. Stake holders:

Both members of the team(Lakhwinder and Navdeep)


Planning  to complete the assignment, resource identification, budget allocation

Face to face communication Before starting construction Pull:


2. Stake holders :

Navdeep and Lakhwinder


Resource allocation

Face to face communication and  documentation After design development Pull:


3. Target Audience:

Lakhwinder  and Navdeep


Progress in work

File sharing Once a week Push:


4. Both members of the team(Lakhwinder and Navdeep)


Issues causing delay and finding solutions

Face to face communication and  documentation After  finishing milestones like placing tower cranes Pull:


Table 3: Communication plan

We, Lakhwinder and Navdeep implemented a meeting management process to finish our tasks.

Figure1: Meeting management process used by us

First gathering: Before beginning the assignment, we organized a disclosure meeting. In this gathering, we examined on the sub-undertakings, which we have to finish. In this gathering, we likewise chose the achievements, which will be finished to complete the entire undertaking on time. The two of us contributed similarly to set the achievements. Notwithstanding, we both assumed liability of a few assignments independently and we built up our own plans to complete these undertakings independently. There were a few assignments, which we chose to finish as a gathering. Anticipating these errands was done in a joint effort with one another. The ID of assets was another vital piece of our first gathering. We both utilized our insight to recognize which assets are required by us. As it was our first gathering, we likewise talked about the financial plan of our undertaking and created plans for subsidizing it. Anyway, such gatherings are masterminded at whatever point we expected to talk about on the present status of ventures.

Second meeting:  our second gathering was organized to apportion assets for the undertaking. As I am the director of our gathering, asset assignment was my obligation. I took three days to gather all assets. The second gathering was held following three days of first gathering. In this gathering, I   gave assets to another individual from our gathering, Navdeep. Although the gathering was masterminded by me, we both chose how to utilize these assets productively.

Third meeting: After the second gathering, we both began to finish our undertakings. It was imperative to know the advancement of errands. Navdeep imparted once every week for educating me in regards to the advancement. More often than not, we utilized messages for such correspondence. Despite the fact that Navdeep started such interchanges, I additionally educated him about the advancement in my part.

Fourth meeting: Both of us confronted diverse issues while finishing our errands. Once inconsistently, we met to talk about on the issues, which are making defer complete assignments. In these gatherings, we additionally created procedures for dispensing with issues. These gatherings are additionally used to recognize future issues and alteration of our present procedures.

4. WBS for new Stadium development in Perth:

Figure1: WBS for new stadium development in Perth

WBS improvement distinguishes subtasks for the consummation of the entire task (Randolph, 2014).WC is executing the undertaking in three dimensions. Deliverable of the first level is completed arena. Notwithstanding, the finishing of this dimension is subject to exercises of level two. Level two activities incorporate welcoming RFPs, choosing the task administrators, nitty gritty arranging of the venture and directing operational activities.  The Government of Western Australia began the procedure in 2013.   The associations, which are happy to attempt the undertaking, motivated adequate time to build up the proposition. In any case, in the wake of accepting these RFPs, the expert dissected all proposition and chose WC as the undertaking administrator.

After the finish of the offering process, WC began leading venture the executives exercise for the new stadium.  Developing plan of the arena was a standout amongst the most perplexing assignments among level 3 activities as the arena ought to have the capacity to host the two games and amusement occasions. Seating limit of the new arena is additionally substantial and it is guaranteed that the limit will be expanded in future. As the Western Australia expert concentrated on y giving observers fantastic administrations, WC required to plan the huge number of eateries and refreshment focuses. As the arena limit permits a huge number of guests consistently, transportation is a standout amongst the most critical variables for its smooth task.

WC is additionally accountable for the transportation foundation improvement at the encompassing area.  According to the proposition, the transportation framework of the new arena will incorporate both train and transport administrations. Aside from these, passerby connects on Swan River will likewise be utilized to clear the arena after an occasion. In this way, the planning process directed by WC likewise included structuring of a six-stage railroad station in arena region, transport terminuses and passerby connect (, 2015).  The arena additionally required to be produced by the rules of various games occasions and it expanded trouble of the entire procedure. On fulfillment of the structuring process, WC expert began another level 3 activities including asset portion, setting achievements and procuring staffs.

Before WC initiated the development procedure, the nearby specialist began leading pre-development exercises in arena ground. About half of these works completed before the fundamental development was begun. Different exercises of this dimension, for example, the establishment of seats, improvement of the arena and creating grass surface are yet to be wear

References, (2015). Design plans for new Perth stadium unveiled – [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Feb. 2015]., (2015). Brookfield Multiplex:: Westadium Design For New Perth Stadium Revealed. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Feb. 2015].

Eric Kirkland, C. (2014). Project Management: A Problem-Based Approach. Project Management Journal, 45(1)

Get The Bigger Picture, (2015). New Perth Stadium. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Feb. 2015].

Kendrick, T. (2011). 101 project management problems and how to solve them. New York: AMACOM, American Management Association.

Kloppenborg, T. (2012). Contemporary project management. Mason, Ohio: South-Western Cengage Learning.

PerthNow, (2015). First look at the new Perth Stadium train station at Burswood. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Feb. 2015]., (2015). Project timeline. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Feb. 2015]., (2015). Stadium Station design revealed. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Feb. 2015].

Ponnappa, G. (2014). Project Stakeholder Management. Project Management Journal, 45(2), pp.e3-e3.

Randolph, S. (2014). Maximizing Project Value: A Project Manager’s Guide. Project Management Journal, 45(2), pp.e2-e2.

Rybka, I. and Bondar-Nowakowska, E. (2013). Planning of the Risk Handling Methods Related to Alterations to Project Documentation. Procedia Engineering, 57, pp.952-957.

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