Recruitment & Selection Policies
Analyse the recruitment and selection policies of chosen organization, to show how they attempt to maintain and improve their positions in the sector in which they operate. The organization chosen is Harrods London.
All over the world, Harrods is a recognizing brand. It has the 330 different departments all over the world. Its brand values are the biggest asset for the company. The organization mainly stands for its brand values. Innovation, sensation, luxury, service are the values of the Harrods.
Fig 1: values of Harrods
The recruitment and selection process of Harrods should be unique so that they can increase their profitability with the vital resources of the organization. The public faces of the company are the employees of the organization. To ensure the day-to-day running of the business, they have to interact with their employees, customers, managers, stakeholders etc. In 2010 from Mohamed Al-Fayed Qatar holding purchased Harrods. To the continuing success of the business, they recognize the engaged employees in the organization. In the recruitment and selection process, the main role to manage employee relationship in the organization is human resource department. There are different recruitment policies and procedures of every company. Therefore, Harrods has the different recruitment policies and procedures to increase the employee engagement in the company (Abou-Moghli, 2015). The recruitment and selection polices are following:
The policy of conduct scrutinize by the organization only. From the time, the recruitment date to open the job vacancy to the position fills, it happens in chronological order.
The suitable candidate for the organization that has the specific skills and knowledge for the open position in the organization has to be identifying by the human resource department of the company. The company should give the best opinion about every candidate so that they can choose the right candidate from the whole lot. All applicable employment laws to the candidates those are selected by the company. It means the company is giving the equal opportunity to every candidate (Fabel and Pascalau, 2013).
Essential principles:
The recruitment polices and the selection procedure is based on the underlying principles that are following:
- Based on sustainability with respect to the position, the applicant will be chosen by the company.
- The company to all the applicants should inform the details of the vacant position and the application procedures.
- The company should provide the necessary information to the candidate so that they can have a clear idea about the job description.
- The company should see if the candidate is suitable for the position or not.
- The company should not be disclosing the candidate’s information with others; they should respect their privacy and should be treating with confidentiality with the candidate information.
- If any employees of the organization are submitting any complaint in written to the company, then it is the responsibility of the company to give response of the compliant in writing (Ghazala Ishrat, 2013).
A vacancy within the company and the recruitment candidate’s takes place the policies are applies to a procedure that is conducts by:
a) Notice board or internal recruitment
b) Advertisements through newspaper, online media or public announcements by the company
c) Executive search
Position information:
If the company wants to fill a vacancy for a particular position then the company decides the vacancy should be filling or can be hold or not. The specific job detail will need the specific candidates who are suitable for the position or not. The job description should clearly mentioned by the company to the candidates. The company to the candidates should clarify the specific duties and the responsibilities of the particular position so that they can have the clear idea about the position (Thibault et al., 2015). The employment status or the nature of the employment should clarify by the company to the candidates that the job is for permanent basis or for temporary basis. The employee need to work in the shift or should be working at a specific hours. The company that is skills and knowledge, experience about the particular job should consider the professional proficiency of the job description. The company should give a detail idea to all the employees in the organization about the job description of a particular job (Machado and Davim, 2014).
The job advertisement will state the method of application, in relevant to the job description.
Selection phase:
The company should give the proper details to the candidate that at what time the employee should join in the organization. If the company found the right candidate for the specific job description, then the vacancy should be close at a proper time. Some more conditions that need to consider by the company are following:
a) When the vacancies of the company fully closed, the rejected application needs to be considering by them (Mahmood, 2014).
b) The interview of the candidate schedule needs to be invited by the company.
The company should inquire the same questions for the related job or position to the candidate so that the company can know about the candidate’s knowledge, experience, and their educational background so that the company can know about them very clearly. The company should inform the candidates about the detail job vacancy and the information about the complete order of the job description so that the employee has the detail idea about the job specification (Miles and Sadler-Smith, 2014).
Further information:
If the employees need the further information about the job description or the duties and the responsibilities of the specific job then the company should take the responsibilities to give a detail about the job description to the employees of the organization.
Rejection and completion of the application procedure:
In the process of selection and recruitment procedure, if the company has realized that the many candidates did not fulfill the criteria for a specific job then the company should give a message by email or in written process so that the candidate have a clear proof of the process. There will be a situation when the candidate fulfills all the criteria but the job vacancy for some particular position has already filled then the company can retain those candidates’s resume in their database for further clarification (Neumann, 2013).
After considering the above discussion, the company Harrods is using these policies for recruiting and selecting the right candidate for their organization to increase the profitability and the quality of standard.
Abou-Moghli, A. (2015). Recruitment and Selection and Their Effect in Achieving the Institutional Excellence. International Business Research, 8(3).
Fabel, O. and Pascalau, R. (2013). Recruitment of Seemingly Overeducated Personnel: Insider–Outsider Effects on Fair Employee Selection Practices. International Journal of the Economics of Business, 20(1), pp.57-82.
Ghazala Ishrat, G. (2013). “A comparative study of Recruitment & Selection, Training and Development policies in Indian MNCs and Foreign MNCs”. IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 7(5), pp.29-43.
Machado, C. and Davim, J. (2014). Work Organization and Human Resource Management. Dordrecht: Springer.
Mahmood, M. (2014). Strategy, structure, and HRM policy orientation: Employee recruitment and selection practices in multinational subsidiaries. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 53(3), pp.331-350.
Miles, A. and Sadler-Smith, E. (2014). “With recruitment I always feel I need to listen to my gut”: the role of intuition in employee selection. Personnel Review, 43(4), pp.606-627.
Neumann, G. (2013). Recruitment policies. The Physics Teacher, 25(2), p.72.
Thibault, E., Lynch, L., McBride, R. and Walsh, G. (2015). Proactive police management. Boston: Pearson. makes buy assignments online easier for students in Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Sydney. Students can get highest quality Assignment Help in Brisbane, Perth, Sydney and other cities of Australia only by completing three steps. Students only need to convey their requirements and our experts craft the assignment in an exact manner that our customers want. In case, they need CDR writing services, they can hire our professional CDR writers for strengthening their chances against other applicants.
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