research project

Research Project (Unit K/601/0941)

Research Project (Unit K/601/0941)

Unit 5.4   Research Project (Unit K/601/0941)

Level 5    20 Credits

Sample Assignment


To achieve this unit, you are required to formulate a research specification, produce a plan and carry out a research project.  You will then evaluate the research outcomes and present the findings.  The subject of the research must be related to your area of study and discussed and agreed with your tutor before you commence the work.  The minimum number of words for the final report is 2500 words.

Task 1

You need to complete the following steps in order to produce a research project specification and implementation plan.  First of all:

  • formulate and record outline specifications for possible research projects
  • identify and assess the factors that have contributed to your selection of the research project
  • undertake a critical review of key references.

Now you are at a stage where you can produce your research project specification.  This must include:

  • a research question
  • the purposes of the research
  • potential research outcomes
  • rationale for choice of research
  • consideration of ethical issues
  • methodology to be used
  • a bibliography.

Your tutor must agree your research specification before you continue to the next task.

This task covers assessment criteria 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4.

Task 2

Provide an appropriate plan and procedures for the agreed research specification.  The plan should include:

  • specific tasks to be completed
  • sequence of tasks
  • timings
  • key milestones and review dates
  • how the research will be monitored.

This task covers assessment criteria 1.5.

Task 3

Implement the research project plan in accordance with the agreed specification and procedures. Ensure that you show how you have matched resources to the research question. Record and collate relevant data throughout the research.

Using appropriate research evaluation techniques,  interpret and analyse the results in terms of the original specification.  Draw conclusions and make recommendations, justifying any areas for further consideration.

This task covers assessment criteria 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3.


Task 4

Produce a written report, summarising the findings, presenting the conclusions and appropriate recommendations for an audience.  Add any appendices including a bibliography as appropriate.

This task covers assessment criteria 4.1.

research project

Guidelines for assessors

The assignments submitted by students must achieve the learning outcomes and meet the standards specified by the assessment criteria for the unit.  The suggested evidence listed below is how students can demonstrate that they have met the required standard.

Task number ACs Suggested evidence
1 1.1,1.2,1.3, 1.4 A portfolio of evidence to include:1.    a record of possible research projects;

2.    a list of factors that contribute to the process of research project selection;

3.    a written critical review of key references;

4.    a research project specification – to include purpose and objectives; research question and scope of the project

2 1.5 An appropriate written plan and procedures for the agreed research specification  – to include sequence of research tasks, duration, time and dates, key milestones, review dates, the monitoring and review process
3 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 Portfolio of evidence recording and collating the relevant data. Written and signed observation statement confirming the learner has undertaken the proposed research investigation in accordance with the agreed specification and procedures, matching resources efficiently to the research question / hypothesis
4 4.1 Written report in an appropriate format; accurate bibliography referenced consistency in the appropriate style

research project

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