research report

Research Report on Film | Information Systems

Research Report on Film | Information Systems


Your introduction should tell us what the report is about and why it was written.
It may also contain:
  • clarification of your chosen industry: for example, if you chose “Security and risk management of films”, which ones/types did you focus on?
  • the definition of Security and risk management.
Background and/or CISSP Definition (optional)
Some writers prefer to have a separate background section which might also include relevant definitions.
Here is where you discuss your findings. You need to make sure that you include:
details of problems, threats, security breaches, incidents
details of ways of preventing or addressing the problems, threats and breaches/incident relevant photos and diagrams.
General points to consider
  • Ensure that you show evidence of having done proper and detailed research.
  • Ensure that you stay on topic.
  • Ensure that your findings are correctly and thoroughly cited (see the following sections “Referencing Style” on page 3 and “Plagiarism” on page 3).
Make sure you know the difference between a citation and a reference.
  • Have a clear and easily readable layout
  • Use an appropriate writing style (see “Writing Style” on page 3).

This summarises your findings.
It may also include any well-considered recommendations of yours along with those you find in the literature.
Index (optional)
Self-explanatory. However, make sure you are very clear about the difference between a Table of Contents and an Index.


This should have a listing of all the sources you have cited (including directly quoted) in your report.
041 Report Structure
Version 1 updated September 14, 2017 12:23 PM
Report Structure and Guidelines
Referencing Style
The referencing style we use at TAFE Higher Education is the Harvard Author–Date system.
You should already know about this as there have been some guidelines sitting in your student handbook for the whole time you have been here.
There are also these references:
An updated version has been uploaded into Moodle for you.
You can also find excellent guides on the websites of reputable universities (e.g. UNSW, Sydney Uni, UTS, etc.)


Plagiarism is the ultimate academic crime. It’s essentially stealing someone else’s work and claiming it as your own.
If you don’t know what it is, you need to find out before you write your report.
Time permitting we will get you some guidelines; but you should be able to find them quickly using a search engine.
Be warned: we have had students with only one or two subjects to complete in order to gain their degree. They have handed in plagiarised reports and not only did they fail the subject they were removed from the degree program. That’s how serious it is.

Writing Style

You are writing an academic report that should also be written in a way that can be understood by well-educated business people in the Network Security industry.
Accordingly you will:
  • use third person. There can be exceptions to this but you should consult with your teacher
  • use a more formal tone. The degree of formality is determined to some extent by your intended audience. This report does not need to be as formal as a paper that is going to be submitted to a peer-reviewed journal, for example. See the supplied examples for a guide.
  • use correct grammar, punctuation and spelling.

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