Using any programming language of your choice implement the Key Generation procedure of the RSA algorithm.
- Specifications: The program should take two inputs, non-negative integers a, b, which will define a range within which two random prime numbers p, q will be generated by your program i.e. a <= p,q <= b). The program should select numbers randomly from the range [a,b] and test them for primality. It should continue to do this until it has found two prime numbers that are not equal.
The program should output three values 1) The public key {n, e} 2) The private key {n,d} 3) The values of p and q generated
Please note that your program MUST use the code you implemented for Ass 1 and Ass
- It should call the Rabin-Miller algorithm implementation to generate the p and q. And it should call the Extended Euclidean Algorithm implementation to generate the d i.e. the multiplicative inverse of e mod n.
Utilize your code to produce open and private keys for a = 100 and b = 300. Rundown the yield of your code, with screen captures.
In view of your outcomes what is the most extreme estimation of the number portrayal of a string that can be scrambled on the double?
What is the estimation of the Euler’s Totient work for your estimation of n.
Accepting A=1, B=2, – , Z=26, work through a guide to indicate how the word AXES will be encoded utilizing the outcomes above. What is the ciphertext?
Work through a case of how the ciphertext above will be decoded
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