
SEB711 | Managing and Developing Innovation | Research

SEB711 | Managing and Developing Innovation | Research


  1. index.jpgIntroduction
This individual assignment is based on the task (as given in section 4) which students need to complete as per the requirements given in the following sections. Please read all instructions and requirements carefully.
  1. Learning Outcomes
This assignment has been devised to allow students to demonstrate progress towards achieving the following Unit Learning Outcomes and Deakin Graduate Learning Outcomes:

Task Requirement
This assignment will also help students demonstrate learning achievements towards many other unit learning outcomes. Students are encouraged to review all other learning outcomes to discover additional learning opportunities which will increase the quality of their submission and final results.
Throughout the history innovation has been playing significant role in development of great new products and a better standard of living. These products have ranged from the development of complex computers to more simple products such post it by 3M.
Your task is to do come up with an innovative concept to explore the possible solution to the existing problem of your choice. Submit the details of the problem and innovative concept. You can include a critical and brief reviews of the problem from variety of resources. You must use at least six appropriate references from different types of resources such as books, scholarly articles, reports and internet etc.
Your response to this task should include:
Problem statement & concept description Concept analysis
Skills and team required to materialize the concept
  1. Submission Requirements
Students have to upload their Assignment Submission on under the


This assignment is to be undertaken individually by students.
  • A written document is to be prepared using an appropriate style and to include a list of references. Refer to Deakin’s Guide to Assignment Writing and Referencing, available online from Student Life, for assistance on appropriate report styles and referencing
  • Read the Assessment Criteria guidelines section 7 for guidance on how this assignment will be marked.
  • The word limit is 1000 words (+20%/- 10%) – not including the References section.
  • Word count includes the first word of the first section heading to the last word of the last section in your report (but it does not including the References section).
  • The submitted file format must be PDF only.
  • Don’t waste time with fancy layouts, colours, cover pages, and so on. A simple text-based format is all that is needed with the report layout consisting of a few sections of text (with section headings). Use photos or diagrams sparingly and only if necessary and/or relevant to include in your report. Just use a basic and common text font such as Arial or Times New Roman with at least 10 point font size for body text. Single-spaced paragraphs are acceptable.
  • There must be a Reference Section (Bibliography) in your submission. Marks will be deducted if it is omitted, not suitably formatted, or lacking more than at least six relevant citations. Use a suitable and consistent referencing style such as the Harvard or IEEE or similar.
  • Don’t be tempted to plagiarise. If you unsure what constitutes plagiarism, cheating, or collusion then refer to the Academic Honesty information provided for all units on DSO in the Unit Guide and Information folder.
  • Online and in-person resources and materials are available from Student Life for all students to assist with assignment writing and referencing skills. Student Life also provides online and in-person resources to assist with understanding plagiarism and how to avoid producing it in your academic work.
  1. Suggested Template


Introduction (100 words)

Section 1 – Concept Description (300 Words)
  1. Title of Concept
  1. The Idea in a nut shell
  1. Value proposition offered by this Concept
  1. Literature review, prior arts, existing patents and Background of concept
Section 2 – Concept analysis (250 words)
  1. Competitive advantage
  1. How competitive advantage will be sustained
  1. Assumptions in formulating the idea
  1. Weakness/risk of current plan and how they will be addressed
Section 3 – Skills & Team required (250 words)
  1. Skills needed
  1. Team required to meet the skills/experience that is needed


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