
STAT2000 Quantitative Analysis

STAT2000 Quantitative Analysis

Module 1, 2, 3, 4 Homework Questions
Upload your responses in a MS Excel or MS Word file for the homework questions in this module.
Course Name: STAT2000 Quantitative Analysis 
Book :  Lee, C., Lee, J. C., & Lee, A. C. (2013). 
Statistics for Business and Financial Economics (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Springer.


  • Weekly practice questions in each module will be graded for a total of 20% .
  • Chapter 1: Questions and problems 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 14, 16, 22, 30
  • Chapter 2: Questions and problems 9, 14, 17, 19, 21, 37
  • Chapter 3: Questions and problems 9, 10, 12, 20 Additional: Download data from the World Bank website ( http:// -­‐ catalog/world -­‐ development -­‐ indicators ) to replicate Table 2.2 of the text book with Australian data.
  • Chapter 4 : Questions and problems 1, 6, 7, 10, 13, 21, 28(a), 33, 42, 63
  • Chapter 5 : Questions and problems 18, 23, 37, 43, 65, 72, 76, 79, 84, 85, 86
  • Question 6: Questions and problems 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 15, 28, 29, 57
  • Question 8: Questions and problems 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 22
  • Question 11: Questions and problems 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16
  • Chapter 14: Questions and problems 23 -­‐ 30, 33, 34, 40


  1. Answer the homework questions and save your answers in an MS Excel file
  2. Upload your submission using the upload feature in Blackboard for review by your learning facilitator

Assessment Group Assignment

Research topic: Economic growth, private credit and remittances
Objective: To examine the relation of economic growth with private credit and remittances
Context: International
Data period: 1996 -­‐ 2012
Data source: World Development Indicators and World Governance Indicators

1. Describe the data (e.g., mean, standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis, 1st quartile, median, 3rd quartile, max, and min)

2. Prepare correlation matrix

3. Report regression results

4. Write a report stating clearly the objectives of this research, background (i.e., the importance of this research), the hypothesis, analysis of your findings, and the conclusion


We apply multiple regression analysis to estimate the following baseline model.

Growth = β0 + β1 × Privatecredit + β2 × Remittances + β3 × Manufacturing
             + β4 × Services + β5 × Foreigndirectinvestment
             + β6 × Workforceparticipation + β7 × Wages + β8 × Inflation
             + β9 × Inequality + β10 × Income+ β11 × Income2 
             + β12 × Controlofcorruption + β13 × Stability
             + ε    

where Growth is the dependent variable. Private credit and Remittances are the research variables. Manufacturing, Services, Foreign direct investment, Workforce participation, Wages, Inflation, Inequality, Income, Income 2, Control of corruption and Stability are the control variables. The variables are discussed in Table 1.

Table 1: Variable Descriptions

Variables Operational definition Source
Growth Annual growth of real GDP per capita WDI
Privatecredit Domestic credit to private sector (% GDP) WDI
Remittances Personal remittances, received (% GDP) WDI
Manufacturing Manufacturing, value added (% GDP) WDI
Services Services, value added (% GDP) WDI
Foreigndirectinvestmen t Foreign direct investment, net inflows (% GDP) WDI
Workforceparticipation Labor force/Population aged over 15 years WDI
Wages Wages and salaried workers, total (% of total employed WDI
Inflation Consumer price inflation WDI
Inequality Gini coefficient WDI
Income Real GDP per capita in the host country (1000s of constant 2005 international dollar) WDI
Income2 Squared term of Income WDI
Controlofcorruption Index: Control of corruption (-­‐2.5 to 2.5) WGI
Stability Index: Political stability and Absence of violence/terrorism (-­‐2.5 to 2.5) WGI

Structure of a quantitative research paper

We generally find the following structure in quantitative research papers.

Non -­‐ numbered: Abstract

  1. Introduction
  2. Literature review and hypotheses development
  3. Methodology
  4. Results
  5. Findings and analysis (or discussion)
  6. Conclusions


An abstract is a short summary (e.g., 150 words) of a research article.

1. Introduction

This region inspects the establishment and motivation of the stud y. While the fundamental motivation for educational research starts from the opening in the composition, the prerequisite for the examination should be cleared up. But in the event that there are some clear favorable circumstances and rational (or course of action) recommendations, there is no convincing motivation to finish an examination. On ce the centrality of the investigation topic is elucidated and the gap in the composing is recognized, the examination question (s) are raised in this section. There might be assortment to making the examination questions. Some investigation makes reference to the examination focuses (or goals) as opposed to characterizing the investigation questions. The two strategies are amazingly typical and recognized.

2. Composing review and theories progression

The composition review and hypotheses progression territory designs the testable speculations to answer the examination questions displayed in Section 1. Theories are made ex – ­‐ wager (before the data gathering) in this manner it is normally urged that these should be established on the speculation or common reasoning rather than grounded on other trial confirmation. It is furthermore proposed to have directional (e.g., distinctly or unfavorably related) theories instead of non – ­‐ directional (e.g., related). Non – ­‐ directional theories are seen as exploratory, for example where theory can’t give an unambiguous expectat molecule, along these lines it is more brilliant to put effort into working up an ex – ­‐ wager estimate.

3. Technique

We need to clear up the way in which the hypotheses will be attempted. This territory covers the data, model and estimation technique.

3.1. Data

Testing and data sources are anchored under data.

3.2. Model and estimation systems

A different backslide model may appear as seeks after:

Subordinate variable = Intercept + Coefficient (s) × Independent variable (s) + Coefficient (s) × Control variable (s) + Error term Yi = β0 + βi Xi + βi Zi + ε

The full casing show enunciation (lighting up each factor) depends upon the data structure. For example, if two factors on the right hand side of the condition are significantly compared, we may consolidate only a solitary of these two variables. In this way, obvious experiences are given in the data portion.

The estimation methodology depends upon different parts including the sorts of components. For example, if the penniless variable is interminable (i.e., can go up against any motivating force inside a limit), a typical least square backslide (OLS) estimation might be sensible. If the poor variable is dichotomous (i.e., goes up against an estimation of either 1 or 0), a vital backslide (logit) estimation might be appropriate.

4. Results

This fragment displays the delayed consequences of the estimation. All things considered, the backslide yields are represented in this fragment. The backslide examination comments on the model fit, illustrative power and authentically basic elements. It moreover shows additional examinations for quality.

5. Revelations and examination

Revelations of the examination are discussed in this section. The exchange incorporates interpreting the quantifiable yield. Even more expressly, the talks should be for a general get-together of individuals similarly as experts in the field. So a non – ­‐ particular ex planation is continually useful for a progressively broad gathering of spectators. The revelations are furthermore surveyed by standing out from similar past examinations with position this examination in the composition. Fiscal understandings (if this ought to be conceivable) in like manner upgrade the idea of the investigation. F or point of reference, a development of $1,000 in portion for going to meeting reduces the get-together non – ­‐ investment issue of boss.

6. Finishes

This section totals up the examination. For a peruser who is too possessed to even think about evening consider perusing the whole paper, this section should give a once-over of the whole paper. It should get together on the investigation questions, the hypotheses, the test results, critical disclosures, sensible and approach recommendations, and the dedication of the examination.

Jyotirmoy Podder

Disclaimer: The points of view imparted are mine. The objective of research is to enhance our knowledge with extensiveness and significance in this way does not have a ‘one size fits all’ approach. You may find assortments of the structure (framework), anyway the principal consideration of an examination paper for the most part joins what is discussed in fragment 1 through region.

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