SWM5102 |Critical Social Work | Management
This assessment task relates to outcomes 1,2,and 8 for this unit:
- Describe and identify the specific biopsychosocial developmental needs that arise in childhood, adolescence and adulthood to inform direct social work practice with individuals and families.
- Explain how risk and protective factors may enhance or impede the development of resilience in childhood, adolescence and adulthood and consider how to apply this knowledge in working with individuals and families.
- Demonstrate appropriate and reflexive use of ‘self’ in the professional helping relationship, based on an awareness of self and others, including assessment of familial, social and cultural contexts.
By 9 April 2018 you are required to submit a 1500 word critical response to the following case study 1 of Hayley and her family (see case study 1). Discuss the difference between the life span and life course approach to human development in relation to this case. Demonstrate an awareness of your own values, ethics and prejudices and implications of these for social work practice with individuals and families.
This paper must include:
- State what the key issues and challenges are in this case study 1 of Hayley and her family situation and how these relate to social work practice with individuals and families using the life span approach and the life course approach to human development (Harms, 2010.) (25%)
- Explore your personal response to the case, and describe what you perceive to be the basis of your reactions (refer to your own life experiences, your own life stage, and how factors like your age, gender, ethnicity and so on impact your perception of this case study) (25%)
- How does this situation challenge your values, morals, philosophy or personal ethics and how do these relate to the Australian Association of Social Workers’ code of ethics (20%)
- With whom do you feel you would have most empathy in this case study and with whom you feel you may have difficulty empathising; how might you address any lack of empathy in your future direct social work practice? (20%)
- Essay presentation, clarity of argument and literacy are expected to be at a competent level with a minimum of at least four academic references to be cited for this assignment. (10%)
3/25/2018Youare a social worker employed by a familySWM5102serviceS12018:thatAssignmentusesfamily1-Criticaltherapyreflectitonassistonthe lifespanfamilies who voluntarily present to resolve family issues. Zheng Shi phones you to discuss what she can do about her daughter’s current behaviour.
Hayley is 21 years old. She lives with her Mother Zheng Shi (53 years old) and her mother’s new boyfriend, Max (45 yrs.).
Zheng Shi’s new boyfriend is a psychologist who is convinced that Hayley has a serious internet addiction. He is writing an article on this issue and has identified that Hayley is spending most of her every waking moment on her phone, computer or Ipad. Hayley is not working and dropped out of her degree course by simply not attending classes and not handing in any assignments. For Max, this means that Haley’s internet use is impacting her life in negative ways and warrants the label of addiction. Max thinks that she is losing out on a job, education and any future career. He tells Hayley that she doesn’t have a boyfriend because of her constant internet use.
Zheng Shi, also a health professional, on the other hand thinks that Haley is depressed and suffers from anxiety due to a terrifying kidnapping event in her early childhood. Hayley and her father Michael (58 yrs.) who was a British military officer were accidentally caught up in an event that meant Hayley was locked and confined in a limousine by herself for several hours at the age of 5.
Zheng Shi met Michael in Hong Kong when she was 30 years old and they were happily married and living in Indonesia at the time. Hayley was very distressed by this “kidnapping” incident and had nightmares, lost weight and wet the bed most nights for several years. Zheng Shi blamed Michael for this event and their relationship began to break down. They attempted to make a new life away from Indonesia and migrated to Australia.
After ten years of living in Australia Michael moved out of the family home. Hayley loved her dad and felt completely abandoned by him. She started drinking and taking risks by staying out late and being out with people she did not really know until the early hours of the morning. Zheng Shi was very stressed by her daughter’s risky behaviour and tried her best to regulate her activities. But Hayley would climb out her window at night or not return after school. This self-destructive behaviour by Hayley went on for about 18 months.
For her final year in high school Hayley was very quiet and stayed in her room after school and started blogging and posting on a range of topics that interested her. Her mother was very relieved to have her home and safe. Hayley researched and promoted all kinds of causes and seemed to gain a sense of identity from her online status. She enrolled in an online degree course after high school and rarely left the house.
When Max moved in with Zheng Shi earlier this year, he became very concerned about the number of hours Hayley spends in her room on her devices. Zheng Shi also found out that Hayley was no longer enrolled in her course and was not interested in taking on a job or doing any tasks around the house. Hayley was moody and irritable at meal times and anytime her mother asked her to do any chores. Max highlighted that this is part of the warning signs of internet addiction.
Hayley argues that some of her friends spend even more time than her on the internet. She knows one blogger who does marathons on-line, playing various games and not even stopping to sleep. Max believes that this is anti-social. However, Hayley argues that this the way of the future and that she talks to people all around the world all of the time. She says that she also feel connected to people from various countries through her internet chats and blogs.
Zheng Shi is growing more concerned about her daughter’s behaviour and wonders how to assist her to become more self-sufficient. Zheng Shi is starting to agree with Michael that the way Hayley spends her time is unacceptable and harmful to her in the long term.
Submission process
Please up load your essay through this moodle site- see the icon with the hand holding a piece of paper and click on this to submit for assignment 1.
Marking Criteria for Assignment 1
Marking Rubric
Does not meet | Just meets | Meets well | Meets | ||
Meets (Credit) | exceptionally | ||||
(Fail) | (Pass) | (Distinction) | |||
(High distinction) |
- Identify key issues (25%)
- Incorrect identification of key issues OR
- No link made between issues and social work practice
- No reference to life span or life course approach or Harms 2010 reference
☐ Incomplete | ☐ Adequate |
description of | |
identification of | the key issues |
key issues | ☐ A capable |
- Basic outline account of
of connection connection between issues between issues and social work and social work
practice practice
☐ Limited ☐ Adequate
reference to life discussion of
span or life life span or life
course approach course
or Harms 2010 approach and
reference Harms 2010
☐ A clear | ☐ A concise and |
description of the | coherent description |
key issues | of the key issues |
☐ A pertinent | ☐ Insightful |
discussion of | discussion of |
connection | connection between |
between issues | issues and social |
and social work | work practice |
practice | ☐ Detailed |
- Clear discussion discussion of life
of life span or life span or life course course approach approach and and Harms 2010 Harms 2010
- Present your personal response to the case (25%)
☐ Standard- | |||
☐ Limited critical level critical | |||
reflection on | reflection on | ||
personal | |||
personal | |||
☐ No evidence o on response | |||
response | |||
personal response | ☐ Simple | ☐ Some | |
☐ No description of | description of | ||
description of | |||
basis for reflection | basis for | basis for | |
☐ No reflection of | reflection | ||
reflection | |||
☐ Limited | |||
effects of outlined | ☐ Some | ||
factors provided | reflection of | ||
effects of | reflection of | ||
effects of | |||
outlined factors | |||
outlined factors | |||
provided | provided | ||
☐ Substantial
- Significant
critical reflection on critical reflection on personal response personal response
☐ Detailed and
- Significant
insightful description of basis for reflection
☐ Significant | ☐ Detailed |
reflection of effects | |
of outlined factors | reflection of effects |
of outlined factors | |
provided | provided |
- Outline the ethical challenges and relate to the Australian Association of Social Workers’ code of ethics (20%)
- No outline of challenges to student beliefs
- No reference made to the AASW Code of Ethics
- A superficial ☐ Basic outline or limited outline of challenges to of challenges to student beliefs
- A superficial discussion
or limited linking student
reference made views with
to the AASW AASW Code of
Code of Ethics Ethics
☐ Clear and | ☐ Detailed and | |
considered outline | ||
of challenges to | insightful outline of | |
challenges to | ||
student beliefs | ||
student beliefs | ||
☐ Clear and | ||
☐ Detailed and | ||
considered | ||
discussion linking | insightful discussion | |
linking student | ||
student views to | views to AASW | |
AASW Code of | ||
Code of Ethics | ||
Ethics | ||
3/25/2018 | SWM5102 S1 2018: Assignment 1 – Critical reflection on the lifespan | ☐ Insightful and | ||||
☐ Basic | ☐ Basic | ☐ Clear and | ||||
identification of | reflection on | considered | sophisticated | |||
☐ No or limited | reasons for | reasons for | reflection on | reflection on | ||
empathising with empathising | reasons for | reasons for | ||||
identification of | a particular | with a particular empathising with a empathising with a | ||||
reasons for | ||||||
individual | individual | particular individual particular individual | ||||
empathising with a | ||||||
particular individual | ☐ Superficial | ☐ Basic | ☐ Clear and | ☐ Insightful and | ||
☐ No or limited | identification of | reflection on | considered | sophisticated | ||
1. Address issues | the individual | reasons for | reflection on | reflection on | ||
of empathy | identification of the | that the student | having difficulty | reasons for having | reasons for having | |
individual hat the | ||||||
(20%) | ||||||
student has difficulty has difficulty | empathising | difficulty | difficulty | |||
feeling empathy for | feeling empathy | with a particular empathising with a empathising with a | ||||
for | individual | particular individual particular individual | ||||
☐ No discussion of | ☐ Limited | ☐ Standard- | ☐ Clear and | ☐ Insightful and | ||
how to address a | ||||||
lack of empathy in | discussion of | level discussion considered | outstanding | |||
how to address | of how to | discussion of how | discussion of how to | |||
future work | ||||||
a lack of | address a lack | to address a lack | address a lack of | |||
empathy in | of empathy in | of empathy in | empathy in future | |||
future work | future work | future work | work |
☐ | ☐ Some attempt | ☐ Appropriate | ||
to present the | presentation | |||
Poor/inappropriate | assessment | ☐ Appropriately | ||
presentation | appropriately | |||
☐ | organised and | |||
1. Essay | ☐ Some attempt structured | |||
Poor/inappropriate | to structure the | information | ||
presentation, | structuring of the | information to | ||
☐ Some | ||||
clarity of | information | answer the | ||
argument, | ||||
☐ Limited | question/s | typographical | ||
literacy, | errors, but | |||
referencing | proofreading/editing: ☐ Typographical generally well | |||
(10%) | evident in | errors evident | proofread | |
typographical errors | ☐ Poor use of | |||
☐ Harvard | ||||
throughout | Harvard | |||
☐ No use of | referencing | referencing | ||
used, with | ||||
Harvard referencing (errors | some errors | |||
throughout) | ||||
- Clear and appropriate presentation
- Information is organised and structured clearly
- Paper is well proofread and edited, with minimal errors
- Harvard referencing used with min
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