
UNCC300 Assessment Task 3 – Essay

UNCC300 Assessment Task 3

HD Di Cr Pa NN
85-100 75-84 65-74 50-64 0-49
Provides a highly Provides a Provides a Provides a Fails to provide
distinctive satisfactory a satisfactory
distinctive critique creditable critique
Part 1 critique of a critique of a critique of a
of a global issue global issue of a global issue global issue global issue
(10 marks) where shared where shared
where shared where shared where shared
responsibility for responsibility for
responsibility for responsibility for responsibility for
the common good the common
the common the common the common
is not being good is not being
realized. good is not being realized. good is not good is not
realized. being realized. being realized
Provides a highly Provides a Provides a Provides a Fails to provide
distinctive creditable satisfactory a satisfactory
understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of
understanding of
advocacy and its advocacy and its advocacy and its advocacy and its
advocacy and its
relationship to relationship to relationship to relationship to
relationship to
community community community community
Part 2 community
engagement, in engagement, in engagement, in engagement, in
engagement, in
(30 marks) the context of the context of the context of the context of
the context of
principles of principles of principles of principles of
principles of CST,
CST, in order to CST, in order to CST, in order to CST, in order to
in order to realize
realize shared realize shared realize shared realize shared
responsibility for responsibility for responsibility for responsibility for
responsibility for
the common the common the common the common
the common good.
good good. good good.




Style and Presents Presents Presents Presents Presents
Writing information in a information in a information in a information in a information in an
Mechanics very clear, very clear, clear, coherent satisfactory unsatisfactory
(5 marks) coherent and coherent engaging style. style. style.
2.0= F highly engaging engaging style.
2.5= P style. Few errors in Some errors in Many errors in
3.25= C Few or no errors grammar, grammar, grammar,
3.75=D No errors in in grammar, punctuation punctuation punctuation and
4.0-5.0= HD grammar, punctuation and and spelling. and spelling. spelling.
punctuation and spelling.
Referencing Very good Good Satisfactory
Exemplary referencing referencing referencing, in No referencing
(5 marks) citation of all throughout; throughout; general; or numerous
2.0= F sources of sources cited sources cited sources cited sources not cited
2.5= P information to accurately and accurately accurately, in accurately.
3.25= C support the correctly. throughout. general.
3.75=D credibility and Does not provide
4.0-5.0= HD authority of the Provides fully Provides Provides sufficient
information accurate accurate and sufficient information
presented. information sufficient information about sources
about sources information about sources used.
used. about sources used.

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