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What are the dependent, independent, moderating, mediating (intervening) or control variables in this study

What are the dependent, independent, moderating, mediating (intervening) or control variables in this study

Assessment item 3

Journal #2
Value: 10%
Due date: 29-Apr-2018
Return date: 21-May-2018
Length: 700 words (minimum)
Submission method options
Interact2 Journal

This journal activity asks you to consider the identification and operationalization of variables in a quantitative study.

You are asked to create a journal to answer the following questions:
1. What are the dependent, independent, moderating, mediating (intervening) or control variables in this study? How are these variables defined?
2. What is the motivation for including these variables into the conceptual framework for the study?
3. How are these variables measured?
4. Are there other important variables that should be included in this study?

Answer these four questions for the following article:
Smith, A., Oczkowski, E. and Selby-Smith, C. (2011) To have and to hold: modeling the drivers of employee turnover and skill retention in Australian organizations. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 22(2), 395-416.
Feedback on this assessment item will be provided by way of a reply to your journal posted by the lecturer. The mark for this journal activity will be available on Gradebook.


This assessment activity invites you to apply your knowledge of key elements of quantitative research. The assessment will help you to assess your understanding of the major types of variables used in quantitative research. The task will help you understand techniques associated with quantitative research methodologies.

Marking criteria



Marking criterion
aincomplete identification 3 All variables identified and defined correctly. The student demonstrates the ability to distinguish between types of variables completely. Some gaps in the identification and definition  of variables. More work needed in understanding the different variables. Poor identification and definition of variables. Considerable work needed to strengthen the understanding of variables and their application in research studies
Ability to motivate the variables for the conceptual framework 3 Correct motivation and mapping of all variables into the conceptual framework for the study. No gaps. Variables are motivated and mapped correctly into the conceptual framework for the study, but some gaps in recognizing the relationship between a conceptual framework and dependent and independent variables that unpack the framework Poor understanding of how a conceptual framework lays the foundation for the identification of variables to be examined in research studies
Measurement of variables 2 Clear descriptions of how all variables are measured for the study. Some gaps in the outline of how variables are measured by the study. Poor outline of how the variables for the study are measured.
Critical analysis of variables 2 Demonstrates strong ability to critically reflect on a conceptual framework and identify gaps in the application of variables to explore the framework Demonstrates the ability to critically reflect on the relationship between a conceptual framework and identification of variables to explore, but gaps in the quality of critical analysis of the conceptual framework in this study Poor ability to critically reflect on the variables required to unpack a conceptual framework
Total 10

Narrative style, including sentences and paragraphs. A summary table may also be used.

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