
7003MKT Marketing Foundations

7003MKT Marketing Foundations

Assessment 2. Opportunity Analysis (40%)

Details for Assessment 2: Opportunity Analysis


Assessment #2 and Assessment #3 are considered a scaffold piece of assessment inferring that ‘Assessment 2 – Opportunity Analysis’ will form the foundations on which to build and develop ‘Assessment 3 – The Marketing Mix Plan’.

As such, they are based on the same choice of brand.

In other words, you must use the same brand for ‘Assessment 3 – Marketing Mix Plan’ as you use for this ‘Assessment 2 – Opportunity Analysis’



The purpose of this assessment task is for you to reposition a current brand in the marketplace. It is important that you select a brand that needs to be repositioned i.e., a decline in sales, customer base, change in consumer tastes, rising costs etc.

For this assessment we are providing you with a free choice of brand.  However, if you are unable to choose a brand we will choose one for you.


7003MKT Marketing Foundations

Your choice of brand

There are numerous reasons as to why brands decline in demand. Be careful in selecting your brand for repositioning.

Opportunity Analysis template

Please download the Opportunity AnalysisTemplate

This template details the structure and required sections you are expected to complete for this assessment task.

The sections include:

Introduction and company background;
Situation Analysis (including Macro/PESTL and Micro elements being 3Cs, SWOT etc.);
Marketing Objectives
Reference List


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