MGT302A Strategic Management Audit
Program: Bachelor of Business Subject code: MGT302A Subject name: Strategic Management Assessment title: Assessment 1 - Strategic Audit ‘Project’
Learning outcomes addressed
- Describe various key strategic management processes (strategic inputs, strategic actions and strategic outcomes)
- Discuss, assess and analyse the internal and external environments of an organisation to determine resources, capabilities and core competencies
- Develop and critique the implementation of strategic responses to current and future issues facing the global business environment
- Evaluate business and corporate level strategy and identify the key risks associated with these strategies
- Evaluate an organisations ability to effectively implement business/corporate strategies
- Demonstrate an ability to think strategically about an organisation, its position in the marketplace and how it can gain a sustainable competitive advantage.
The format of the report should be as follows:
Part A
Introduction: Background of the company and focus of your report.
External analysis:
In this segment you should plot what you believe are the fundamental chances and dangers confronting the association. You ought to break down the general, business and contender situations of the organization. Break down all components of the outside condition. Be that as it may, recorded as a hard copy up this area, I t is vital that you focus on a couple of primary components and clarify why they are critical (remember the word tally). You need to help the most huge components of th e outer condition by references from the business media, industry distributions and other significant sites.
Inner examination: In this area you should layout what you believe are the fundamental qualities and shortcomings of the association. Similarly as with the outside investigation, you have to attempt to recognize and clarify the primary issues as opposed to list a wide assortment of variables. You ought to clarify what assets and capacities contribute into an aggressive
favored point of view of the association. Your examination should be reinforced by imperative information from the association’s site, yearly report (if open) and the media.
Summary SWOT: This will be established on the quality, deficiencies, openings and risks you perceived as a segment of your internal and outside examination in Part A.
Technique evaluation
Survey four current strategies. Consider each and every noteworthy system and select four. This could fuse all or a substantial number of the going with: business level strategy, extension, acquisitions/mergers, all inclusive framework or conceivably co-specialist approachs.
Issues/Challenges and proposition
Recognize three rule imperative issues.
Around there you should format an extent of essential exercises for the association: where to from now to decide the three gigantic key issues/challenges perceived. You should consider the perils, weaknesses and risks of frameworks in perceiving key issues/challenges. You should propose some elective exercises and legitimize your choice to the extent the association’s SWOT examination. To interface together the delayed consequences of the outside and internal biological examination, you could use the TOWS organize.
Conclusion (major results of your examination and recommendations as for the essential crucial issues recognized)
The report (Part An and B) should be set up in a specialist way. This infers the report should be brief, sharp, and capable and consolidate appropriate supporting tables, graphs, and shows.
There must be clear evidence of insight of academic composition – something close to 5 educational journals articles, proposed content and a couple of destinations must be us ed, and fittingly referenced according to the THINK referencing guide
If its all the same to you NOTE:
This is a basic assessment and is being done solely. You have to pick ONE of the going with associations for your audit:
Uber or Tesla or Zara
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