


Assessment task
Your boss is keen to understand the challenges and opportunities that technology has brought to corporate communication. She has asked you to prepare an executive summary giving a brief outline on how to embrace these challenges and opportunities in the workplace.
Please follow these guidelines to complete the assessment:
  1. Read the article by Argenti, P 2017, ‘Strategic Communication in the C-Suite’, International Journal of Business Communication, vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 146 – 160 (located on the Blackboard – Assessment Tasks and Submission Task 1).
  1. Engage in research to find two other articles (academic journal, industry journal, website article, or a newspaper article) related to the impact of technology on corporate communication. Use Google Scholar and the SCU library website to do your research.
  1. Print and read all articles and complete the Article Analysis Form (located under Assessment Tasks and Submission) for each of the three articles. Attach each form to the back of your executive summary.
  1. After carefully reading the three articles, draft a two-page Executive Summary (synopsis) using the format of an Executive Summary memo. According to The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Ed, (2000), the word synopsis is defined as “A brief outline . . . a summary”
  1. Identify three headings that relate to the purpose of the memo to form the structure for the body of your work. Support for each heading must come from at least TWO of your THREE sources. Use one quotation in each section from one of your three sources.
  1. You will need to use SCU Harvard style to document your sources within the text and in the Reference List. For further information please see:
  1. Write the two-page Executive Summary (12pt Times New Roman font – single spaced). The Reference List must be on the third (separate) page.
  1. Submit Assessment 1 to Turnitin via the Blackboard site no later than the due date: Monday 23rd July 2018 9.00am (QLD time).
  1. Refer to the Marking Criteria Guide and Marking Rubric located in this document.
  1. PRIOS/CDT brief for Assessment 1:Purpose: To take part in an intensive examination of three articles and compose a two page rundown.

    Reader: Your supervisor (who is quick to make a positive correspondence atmosphere).

    Information: Three (3) articles.

    Organisation: Direct arrange organize.

    Style: Formal.

    Channel choice: Written report.

    Report design: Memo organize.

    Length: 500 words.

    (shrouded in address and instructional exercises – see:  Unit Content Week 1: H1.3 – PRIOS – CDT outline)

    Evaluation Overview

    It is emphatically exhorted that the evaluation directions and checking criteria be considered close by the Assessment Marking Rubric. Different Resources and Discussions will be posted on the Discussion Board.

    This is an evaluated unit and grades are granted as point by point in the University’s Rules Relating to Awards. To accomplish a passing evaluation in the unit all appraisal errands must be submitted and a general characteristic of half or progressively should be gotten.

    Unique thought

    All applications for Special Consideration should be submitted before the due date of the appraisal thing.

    Accommodation of Special Consideration frame, together with all supporting documentation does not ensure Special Consideration will be allowed. NB: Only the Unit Assessor can favor a Special Consideration application.

    Solicitations for unique thought in connection to evaluation errands will just be considered on the accompanying grounds:

    wellbeing (counting effects of religious fasting);

    caring conditions;

    religious observances or festivities;

    genuine unanticipated individual occasions;

    determination in State, national or worldwide brandishing or social occasions;

    rendering veritable and unexpected crisis benefit in an expert or intentional limit; or

    rendering any administration (counting undertaking preparing) in the Defense Reserves.

    PC disappointment won’t be acknowledged as a purpose behind missing an appraisal due date: you are emphatically educated to reinforcement all regarding your work, for instance on a USB streak drive, to guarantee that you are as yet ready to submit to a due date in case of a PC related disappointment.

    Segment 4 — Grounds for Special Consideration

    Segment 5 — Types of Special Consideration

    Segment 6 — Examination and Special Examination Periods

    Late punishments

    Any task submitted after the due date will be handled as per the University’s Assessment Policy and Procedures. In situations where there are no acknowledged alleviating conditions as decided through Special Consideration methodology, the late accommodation of an appraisal assignment will lead naturally to the burden of a punishment.

    In particular, this implies a derivation of 5% of the accessible stamp from the genuine check accomplished by the understudy, one moment after the due date and time indicated by the Unit Assessor. A further conclusion of 5% of the accessible stamp from the real check will at that point be forced for every 24 hour time span that the task stays past due. For full subtleties of the For full subtleties of the punishment and how it is connected, if it’s not too much trouble allude to SCU’s Assessment Policy and Procures, accessible on the unit’s Blackboard site.

    punishment and how it is connected, it would be ideal if you allude to SCU’s Assessment Policy and Procures, accessible on the unit’s Blackboard site.

    A viable model

    Accept that you have an evaluation that is worth 30 imprints and you present your paper 1.5 days late. In the wake of evaluating it similarly that every single other paper are surveyed, your mentor establish that you ought to get 20 marks. According to the Late Submission strategy, 1.5 imprints ought to at first be deducted (5% of 30). A further 1.5 imprints ought to likewise be deducted for the one complete 24 hour time frame that the task was past due. An aggregate of 3 imprints ought to along these lines be deducted, leaving a last characteristic of 17.

    If it’s not too much trouble take note of that late assignments are probably going to be come back with a fundamentally decreased measure of criticism.

    Scholarly Integrity

    Understudies are helped to remember the incredibly genuine view the University takes as to literary theft and are firmly encouraged to peruse the college’s approaches on scholarly uprightness and the punishments related with scholastic unfortunate behavior

    Counterfeiting implies asserting credit for another person’s scholarly work. In the event that you discover any of the accompanying issues in your scholastic composition, you might be liable of copying another person’s work.


    This incorporates duplicating materials, thoughts or ideas from a book, article, report or other composed record, introduction, piece, work of art, structure, drawing, hardware, PC program or programming, site, web, other electronic asset, or someone else’s task, without proper affirmation.

    Improper rewording aptitudes, bringing about replicating the composed articulation of another person without affirmation

    Twisting of importance.

    Missing attribution.

    Missing quotes.

    Depending excessively on other individuals’ material.

    Improper and deficient reference and missing reference passage.

    Insufficient reference of pictures.


    It is critical you comprehend what comprises utilizing sources dependably. If all else fails, if it’s not too much trouble talk about with your mentor.

    Task Resubmission

    Task resubmission is allowed in the unit MNG81001 Management Communication for those understudies who have gotten a come up short review in either evaluation thing 1, 2 or 3. The resubmit is for one appraisal thing just and the outcome will be granted either a go (of half of the check for the evaluation thing) or come up short review.

    Further subtleties on resubmission will be made accessible after the arrival of Assessment 3 grades.


    All evaluation things (1, 2, 3 and 4) must be held up through Turnitin joined by a ‘Task Cover Sheet’.

    Understudy Access and Inclusion

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