HI5003 Economics for Business

HI5003 Economics for Business

HI5003 Economics for Business




Tutorial and /or seminar activity Weekly individual 10%
Week 6 – Upload Soft 15% 1000 words
Individual Paper copy  on  BB  By  FRI
5 pm
Week  10 –  Upload 25% 2500 words
Group Assignment Soft copy on BB By FRI
5 pm
Final Exam Exam Week 50% 2 hrs and 10 minutes

Tutorial and Seminar Activity

Students need to come prepared in the class for the relevant topics covered during each week and engage themselves. These marks are rewarded to students on the basis of their attendance, weekly discussion and attempting some short quizzes both written and oral during the semester.

Individual and Group Assignments

Your assignment must be completed and submitted on time in the prescribed format and via the online Safe Assign portal. Late penalties will apply to overdue assignments.

HI5003 Economics for Business

HI5003 Economics for Business


Business Presentations

You are expected to arrive for any presentation ahead of time. If you are late for your presentation, you may not be eligible to present and may not receive any marks. Where a business presentation involves a group, it is expected that all group members are present. Unless your lecturer advises otherwise, students are expected to dress in business attire. NOT APPLICABLE TO THIS UNIT

HI5003 Economics for Business


Final Examinations

Each trimester concludes with the final examinations that are held during a designated examination period. You are expected to be present for the final examinations, which are held during Examination Week, the exact dates/times and venues are announced via your Blackboard. For each subject, you will be allocated a designated seat in one of the examination venues. Your examination venue and the seat will be confirmed by the end of the teaching period of each trimester via your Blackboard.




  1. Tutorial and/or seminar activity: Discussion of Issues



Weighting:                       10%



Every lecture session begins with a discussion of Issues in Economics for Business.



You will be assessed on the frequency (how many) and quality (how good) of your contributions to those discussions over the trimester.




  1. Individual Paper Assessment criteria


Due: Week 6 (FRI 5 pm) ASSESSMENT
Weighting: 15%
Length: Maximum 1000 words 2
Newspaper Analysis (Written report): 15%



  • Choose ANY One topic from the following list:


  • Australia’s stand on Renewable energy


  • Demand and supply of ANY resources in Australia which includes human resource also


  • Oligopoly, Monopoly and Duopoly structures in any ONE or TWO industries in Australia and its effect in the market


  • Growth in Australian Agricultural sector for Export market


  • Costs of Production in any one or two industries in Australia



  • Evaluate your chosen topic from economic perspectives. You should include

HI5003 Economics for Business

The essence of the story (1 to 2 paragraphs): Introduce the issue, who is interested in it and why.

The economic analysis (3 to 4 paragraphs): Explain how you can present the issue in terms of economic concepts and theories you have learned in class.

Explain your view (2 to 3 paragraphs): Explain what actions you would recommend to the key players and/or policyholders.

Explain how the above analysis supports your conclusion (1 to 2 paragraphs).

  • You may provide graphs/charts/diagrams where necessary to enhance your presentation style.


  • Students need to submit ONLY the SOFT COPY of the assignment and upload on BB by that time.


  • References (between 4 to 6 which includes academic and news and media)

HI5003 Economics for Business

Marking Criteria

  • Critical thinking skills


  • Clarity of writing and ability to express your ideas

HI5003 Economics for Business


  • Ability to use economic concepts and theories in the context of the news article.






  1. Group Assignment: Assessment criteria


Due: Week 10 (FRI 5 pm) ASSESSMENT
Weighting: 25%
Length: 2500 Words 3
Group Assignment (Written report): 25%


  1. Organize yourselves into groups by Week 2 and give your group details to your lecturers. Each group is to have Four or Five members depending upon the class size.


  1. This group assignments will be assessed on the basis of the following criteria:


  • The current research on the topic


  • Analysis of the topic and the application


  • Student’s showing their understanding and current debate by different governments, economists and the industry.


  1. Choose any ONE topic out of the following list:


  • Industry reforms in Tourism, Meat, and Livestock, Agriculture and hospitality in Australia. Choose any one industry out of these and discuss the reforms in that industry.


  • GDP and Economic growth in Australia last 5 years


  • Unemployment during the last 5 years and its effect on the Australian economy and government policy towards reducing unemployment


  • Fiscal Policy of Current Australian Government


  • NBN policy of the Australian government and its issues




  1. Following is the structure of the essay:


  • Introduction 300 words


  • Body 2000 words discussing and analyzing the research and the application




HI5003 Economics for Business


– Conclusion 200 words. Final comments on the topic and the group’s findings (Pl
see the list of topics and structure under additional readings)
– References may be 6 to 8 both academic and media/news
The use of Harvard referencing is expected and will be assessed. 25%
Students need to submit ONLY the SOFT COPY  of the assignment and
upload on BB by that time.




  1. Final Examination Assessment criteria


Weighting: 50%
Length: 2 hours and 10 minutes 4


The final examination will be drawn from the material presented in lectures. In preparation, you should find the discussion issues from each of our formal sessions useful in assessing your own preparedness for the examination.


More detail will be provided during the trimester.


The exam is scheduled during the regular examination period. It is a CLOSED BOOK EXAM

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