ITC560 Internet Technologies PG
Give short responses to the accompanying six questions. Your answers ought to be clear, succinct and to the point. Set up a solitary record (MS Word or PDF, NOT both) alongside cover sheet and submit it web-based utilizing EASTS.
Question 1: Discuss the points of interest and drawbacks of star, transport, and work physical topologies. Give genuine instances of each kind. (5 marks)
Question 2: Explain embodiment and decapsulation in a five layer TCP/IP convention suite. How do multiplexing and de-multiplexing contrast from epitome and decapsulation? (5 Marks)
Question 3: Calculate the inexact piece rate and flag level(s) for a 6.8 MHz transmission capacity framework with a flag to commotion proportion of 132(5 Marks)
Question 4: Explain why the OSI to demonstrate is superior to the TCP/IP shows. For what reason hasn’t it assumed control from the TCP/IP demonstrate? Talk about the focal points and drawbacks of the two models. (5 Marks)
Question 5: What is the all-out deferral (dormancy) for a casing of size 5 million bits that is being sent on a connection with 10 switches each having a lining time of 3.5 µs and handling time of 1.8 µs. The length of the connection is 1900 km, the speed of light inside the connection is 2.2 x 108 m/s, the connection has a data transfer capacity of 8 Mbps. Which component(s) of the all-out deferral is/are predominant? Which one(s) is/are irrelevant?
(5 Marks)
Question 6: According to RFC1939, a POP3 session is one of the accompanying states: shut, approval, exchange or refresh. Draw an outline and disclose to demonstrate these four states and how POP3 moves between them. (5 Marks)
ITC560 Internet Technologies PG
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Method of reasoning
This appraisal comprises six inquiries evaluating an essential comprehension of system and information correspondence models, cutting edge IP and application layer worldview. This evaluation covers the accompanying learning destinations: characterize and clarify different Internet innovations; portray and dissect the job and significance of Internet advancements in the cutting edge world; and clarify how unique application layer administrations, for example, a customer server and distributed ideal models work on the Internet.
Stamping criteria
The accompanying aide will be utilized while surveying every part of this evaluation thing. NB All your work must be referred to (CSU APA), generally up to 100% of imprints can be deducted.
ITC560 Internet Technologies PG
Inside and out amalgamation of different Internet technologies In profundity utilization of a decent scope of pertinent writing to address the inquiries. Unmistakably characterizes different web advancements, with proof of a combination of possessing inquire about and recommended perusing in topics. Evidence of utilizing applicable writing to address the inquiries. Effectively characterizes different web advancements with proof of incorporating some outer readings and endorsed perusing in topics. Use of some important writing to address the inquiries. Gives a meaning of different web advances. Generally referred to the recommended content. Blended ideas gained from subject readings. Limited proof of utilizing significant writing to address questions. Gives a meaning of different web advances however little proof of linkages or associations with theme readings. No clear definition or clarification while tending to questions. Practically zero clear data gave.
Proof of applying own research to ideas of the job and significance of Internet advancements in the cutting edge world In profundity utilization of pertinent writing to address the inquiries. Shows an abnormal state of data investigation of the job and significance of web advancements in the cutting edge world. Evidence of utilizing pertinent writing to address the inquiries. Exhibit a decent dimension of data examination of the job and significance of web innovations in the cutting edge world. Use of some pertinent writing to address the inquiries. Exhibits investigation of data around the job and significance of web innovations in the advanced world. Limited proof of utilizing important writing to address questions. Gives a depiction and some data around the significance of web advances in the cutting edge world without much analysis. No clear portrayal or investigation gave to address the inquiries.
Clarify distinctive application layer services No blunders in the material displayed, with an inside and out, clear, very much organized clarification of various application layer services. No mistakes in the material exhibited, with clear, all around organized clarification of various application layer services. The material introduced was commonly clear and all around organized clarification of various application layer administrations with some omissions. The material was by and largely introduced in an unmistakable way, anyway a few blunders or oversight of data blocks comprehension of what understudy is endeavoring to clarify as far as various application layer services. Evidence that the understudy is unconscious of the diverse application layer administrations.
Your evaluation ought to be submitted in either MS Word or PDF design (PDF more often than not protects the arranging, MS Word may not). Kindly don’t present your task in some other organization and furthermore don’t present various duplicates of the appraisal. If you don’t mind use A4 page measure with Times New Roman/Ariel/Calibri textual style and use text dimension 11 or 12. The accompanying ought to be incorporated as least prerequisites for the appraisal.
ITC560 Internet Technologies PG
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