In order to find who is buying different types of luxury cars Automobile Association conducted a survey of luxury car buyers. In this case study, data is collected for three types of luxury cars; BMW, Lexus and Mercedes. The ages, household incomes and years of education for each type of luxury car were collected in the survey. The data set is organised as follows:
Column 1: Type of car, 1 for BMW, 2 for Lexus and 3 for Mercedes.
Column 2: Age of the customer
Column 3: Household Income in Dollars
Column 4: Years of Education
Data set is loaded on eLearning site under assignment data.
- Visually present data for the ages of buyers of the three different luxury cars. Calculate the descriptive statistics for the ages of buyers of the three different luxury cars. Comment on the location, shape and variability of the age distributions of buyers.
- Visually present data for the household income of the buyers of three different luxury cars. Calculate the descriptive statistics for the household incomes of buyers of the three different luxury cars. Comment on the location, shape and variability of the household income distributions of buyers.
- Visually present data for the years of education of buyers of the three different luxury cars. Calculate the descriptive statistics for the years of education of buyers of the three different luxury cars. Comment on the location, shape and variability of those distributions.
- Some car dealers believe that the type of luxury car the people purchase do not depend on their ages, household incomes or years of education. Using the data collected test the belief that there is no significant difference of the average ages of the buyers of three different luxury cars.
- Test the belief that that there is no significant difference in mean household incomes of the three different luxury cars.
- Test the belief that that there is no significant difference in average years of education of the three different luxury cars.
- Some other car dealers claim that older people with higher household income and more years of education prefer Mercedes to BMW or Lexus. Use the given data set to determine whether this claim justified?
Provide a thorough discussion of the implications of your findings.
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