


This assignment is designed to get you to reflect on your personal approach and feelings on information security and privacy.
Lau, Y. (2015). Cybercrime in cloud: Risks and responses in Hong Kong, Singapore. In Ko, R., & Choo, K.(Eds.). (2015). The Cloud Security Ecosystem: Technical, Legal, Business and Management Issues. Waltham, MA: Syngress.

This chapter discusses some of the approaches to cybercrime that are taken by both the Hong Kong and Singapore governments. But, any approach to cybercrime comes with risks to information security and privacy.
Assume that an Australian State Government has reviewed the Singapore Government’s Smart Nation Plan and has decided to implement their own Smart State Plan. This will initially consist of a network of smart sensors and cameras at traffic lights, bus stops, rubbish bins, etc. in their CBD to monitor citizens behaviour and address street crime.
  1. Discuss what you see as the personal and ethical implications for your privacy of the proposed Government’s Smart Sensor Network by looking at:
  2. The types or categories of people affected by this proposal,
  3. What behavioural changes you might expect to see from normal citizens,
  4. Would you expect to see changes in individual behaviours, such as choice of activities, changes in time schedules, etc.
The next part of the Government’s plan is to deploy a Smart WiFi Network which will consist of a series of sensor boxes to act as WiFi hotspots throughout the city. This would allow the introduction of a heterogeneous network where smart phones and other devices could seamless switch between mobile data and WiFi.
  1. Discuss what you see as the personal and ethical implications for your privacy of the proposed Government’s Smart WiFi Network by looking at:
  2. The types or categories of people affected by this proposal,
  3. What behavioural changes you might expect to see from normal citizens using their mobile devices in the CBD,
  4. Would you expect to see changes in individual behaviours, such as choice of activities, changes in time schedules, etc.
  5. What are the implications for you If you had sensitive information on your mobile device that you did not want to share?
The Smart State Plan will also enrol all citizens with a Digital Identity to ensure that they can correctly be identified and access services provided by the state both electronically and physically.
  1. If you were visiting the State Capital after the Smart State Plan has rolled out, do you think that the use of a digital identity would assist you to maintain your privacy while using your mobile phone or devices during your visit? Discuss the reasons for your answer.
  2. What steps do you think that you could take to ensure the security and privacy of your digital identity while operating your mobile device(s) in this environment? Discuss each step that you would take along with its advantages and disadvantages.
Each question is worth 25 marks and your overall score will be scaled out of 10. As a guide, your word limit for this assignment should be around 3,000 words.
This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:
  • be able to critically analyse the legal, ethical and business concerns for the security and privacy of data to be deployed to the cloud.

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