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e-commerce management

Appendix 1

Research & Analysis Portfolio

Portfolio Presentation [10%]

Grade [A*]80+[PROFESSIONAL]The documentation ishighly polished, exhibiting a professional look and feel.The content is well structured and signposted demonstrating good use of language with only minor, errors in grammar, if any.Application of a suitable corporate livery is consistent throughout.
Grade[A] 70 – 79[EXCELLENT]The documentation is well-organised and clearly presented, observing relevant formatting conventions with suitably structured content. It is generally well-styled, but could benefit from more polish and a little more considered use of language.
Grade[B] 60 – 69[CONSIDERED]Documents are acceptably produced and presented but would benefit from a more polished layout, more consistency in styling and more attention to grammar or use of language. The signposting and organization of content could also benefit from a little more consideration.
Grade [C] 50 – 59[SATISFACTORY]Documents are generally satisfactory,but would benefit from being better organised, signposted and coordinated, with more attention being paid to styling, layout and use of language, as appropriate. Content is suitable but could be presented in a more structured or compelling manner.
Marginal Fail [D] 30 – 49[INADEQUATE]Documents are inadequately and inconsistently presented, requiring significantly more work regarding styling, layout of content and grammar.

Fail [F] < 30

Or, presentation is unsatisfactory for this level of study or no submission

e-commerce management

Portfolio Content [30%]
Grade [A*] 80+[PRODIGIOUS]The documentation is comprehensive, wide-ranging and varied, with strong supporting research/references throughout and uses a good variety of different types of supporting artifact. Both qualitative and quantitative evidence is provided and there is excellent traceability to the infographic. Content also includes some design analysis.
Grade [A] 70 – 79[SUBSTANTIVE]The documentation addresses a wide range of relevant aspects with good supporting research evidence, but could benefit from a little more development of artifacts. Traceability to the infographic could also benefit from further work.
Grade [B] 60 – 69[EXEMPLAR]A good attempt has been made to research and develop supporting documentation but it could address a wider range of relevant factors and would benefit from further research and analysis as some important aspects have not been addressed. Traceability to the infographic could also be developed further. But otherwise, the portfolio provides good evidence of relevant research, analysis and design activity.
Grade [C] 50 – 59[EVINCIVE]The portfolio contains suitable content, demonstrating some knowledge of the subject area and basic ability to conduct relevant research and analysis, but would benefit from a wider ranging investigation, further analysis and design. The portfolio leaves too many important aspects under-investigated.

Marginal Fail (D) 30 – 49Unsatisfactory for this level of study requiring much more research, analysis and consideration, building upon the submitted documentation.

Fail  (E/F)<30

Failed to complete or evidence satisfactorily

Infographic [30%]

Presentation [15%] and Content[15%]

Grade [A*] 80+[PRODIGIOUS]The infographic is very well-structured and uses a presentation metaphor to create a directed, new venture proposal narrative. The infographic also embodies a strong corporate livery and a wide range of appropriate graphical devices with a strong visual impact.

Infographic content presents a compelling and convincing business case for the proposed web store venture and includes a comprehensive coverage of information relevant to the proposition, incorporating considerable detail about a wide range of factors. Information is presented using a wide range of graphical devices andthe store value proposition is clearly evident. The infographic hooks the viewer.

Grade [A] 70 – 79[SUBSTANTIVE]The infographic is well- structured, embodying a suitable colour scheme and uses a range of graphical elements and devices that clear convey meaningful information, but it could benefit from further graphical development or design.

Infographic content is suitably informative but the case or evidence presented could be more persuasive. More detail and/or improvements to the way it is presented could enhance the content.Otherwise, the eStore value proposition is suitably indicatedand a good range of relevant new venture research and analysis is given.

Grade [B] 60 – 69[EXEMPLAR]The infographic features suitable graphics and display devices but could benefit from a more considered colour palette and development of layout. Devices used to displaythe content are generally restricted to text, tables, bar, line and pie charts, leaving an opportunity for more creative selection of graphical devices.

The content is relevant to the eStore proposal and informative, but the store value propositioncould benefit from further thoughtful development as it is a little ambiguous or under-represented. The type of information presented also exhibits a varying emphasis on different aspects that make the content look a little unbalanced.

Grade [C] 50 – 59[EVINCIVE]The infographic contains some relevant information and is reasonably organised, but tends to look more like a poster and would benefit from a more considered layout, style and choice of colour palette.

Content is relevant to the eStore venture but is somewhat haphazard in its selection and organization and a little on the light side. The web store proposition is also somewhat ambiguous or unclear.


Presentation and Content continued
Marginal Fail (D) 30 – 49Documents are inadequately and inconsistently presented, requiring significantly more work regarding styling, layout of content and grammar.


Fail (E)< 30

Failed to complete or evidence satisfactorily for this level of study


Prototype Web Store

To complete this part of the assessment requirements you must:

  • publish your eStore to the School intranet (your hosting platform)
  • create adistinctive corporate livery for your eStore which helps to promote its identity
  • upload a suitable product catalogue
  • include suitable brochure pages
  • ensure your store satisfies legislative requirements
Grade Publish eStore
A/A*70-79/80+ Store successfully published with no evident errors
B60 – 69 Store published but with minor errors
C50 – 59 Store published but with some significant errors (e.g. broken links)
Fail< 50 Failed to publish
Grade Web Store Visuals (e.g. Corporate Livery and Design )
A/A*70-79/80+ Excellent distinction from the default store employing a professional-looking graphical style
B60 – 69 The published store isdifferent from the default but would benefit from further work on visuals to make the store look more appealing or professional
C50 – 59 An attempt has been made to distinguish the published store from the default but there is opportunity to make further design distinctions
Fail< 50 No attempt to distinguish published store from default or not submitted
Grade Product Catalogue
A/A*70-79/80+ A very well-populated, structured catalogue published, including product choices and evidence of extended product  information (e.g. large images)
B60 – 69 Good catalogue with product choices incorporated (e.g. choice of colour or size etc.)
C50 – 59 Basic demonstration catalogue published but little development beyond listing products with short descriptions
Fail<50 Failed to complete or evidence


Grade Brochure Pages
A/A*70-79/80+ Multiple brochure pages with relevant, diverse and detailed content designed and published
B60 – 69 Exemplar brochure page(s) published with suitable content but would benefit from including more detail and diversity
C50 – 59 One or more brochure pages have been designed and published evidencing ability to satisfy this requirement , but content, detail and diversity would benefit from much more extensive development
Fail< 50 Failed to complete or evidence
Grade Business Rules & Legislation
A/A*70-79/80+ A considered attempt to satisfy legislative requirements with enhanced template content
B60 – 69 Template content has been modified to comply with legislative requirements but it could benefit from more detail or personalization
C50 – 59 Some attempt to satisfy legislation by populating template content but some aspects omitted
Fail<50 Failed to modify default settings or provide evidence of attempt

Finally, marks will be awarded for the overall look and feel of your store and its operation.

Grade eStore Impression
A/A*70-79/80+ eStore looks polished and professional with no obvious errors
B60 – 69 The web store sets a good impression and avoids an overly amateurish  look and feel; very minor errors may be present (e.g. spelling)
C50 – 59 The web store is suitably developed and would serve as a good starting foundation, but would clearly benefit from further work on design and content
Fail< 50 eStore has not been published or evidenced


e-commerce management

Appendix 2

On successful completion of this  module, the student will be able to:

Knowledge & Understanding

  1. Demonstrate a critical understanding of the commercial aspects of an ecommerce web project.
  2. Explain the key stages of a commercial web project development life cycle.

Cognitive & Intellectual Skills

3.  Conduct fundamental commercial research and analysis for an e-commerce project.

  1. Design, develop and manage the construction of an ecommerce web presence.
  2. Critically appraise practical and professional issues of managing and developing an ecommerce store.

Practical & Professional Skills

  1. Use contemporary web development tools, techniques and proprietary software products for commercial web store development projects.
  2. Prepare and defend a business case for a web store project.
  3. Build a functional on-line store using a proprietary turn-key environment.

e-commerce management

Key Transferable Skills

9.  Demonstrate the independent learning and research ability required for continuing professional development.

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